Chapter 8: Grayfia

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Beta read by Paragon of Awesomeness and Fluffy Slayer





In this enigmatic world, Devils were remarkably peculiar creatures, possessing a complex magic system that eluded his comprehension. The elusive nature of their powers instilled in him a profound sense of caution, for strong adversaries in any form demanded his utmost wariness.

Indeed, it has given way to a heightened sense of paranoia that surpassed his previous boundaries.

The Evil Piece system shattered numerous preconceived notions he held, primarily due to its capacity to bestow distinct powers upon specific chess pieces. For instance, Knights gained heightened speed, while Rooks possessed superior strength and durability. However, it bewildered him that a seemingly insignificantPawn, merely by traversing enemy territory and obtaining permission from their own King, could ascend to the level of a Queen.. Even if it was what Yuuto stated, how did that even work? Were Pawn pieces imbued with the same attributes as every other piece, yet burdened by stringent limitations for their utilization? 

Either way, that was just a tip of the iceberg. 

The truly bewildering revelation lay in the notion that Devil magic was intricately entwined with desire. TWhile certain boundaries still existed, that realization alone instilled a profound wariness within him towards formidable Devil opponents. 

Which was why he didn't hesitate to attack this maid who came out of nowhere. 

Normally, Archer would employ every tactic available to avoid engaging in a direct confrontation, instead trying to prolong the encounter so he could strategize and then execute a well-thought-out plan. But this case was different; the instant she emerged from the shadows, an ominous chill coursed through his skin, the same sensation he felt when he knew that someone harbored hostile intentions towards him. 

She was going to attack no matter what he did, as such Archer seized the initiative and decisively struck first, leveraging the element of surprise to his advantage. 


Yet she still managed to unleash an explosion with such force that it propelled Archer several meters backwards. "Argh!" His back crashed through a number of tree trunks before eventually halting, leaving him with torn sleeves but no visible damage to his body yet. 

Casting a sidelong glance, he observed Kalawarna's motionless body hanging on a branch. If left undisturbed she wouldn't fall nor suffer any harm from wayward attacks — he didn't need her alive but it was a more favorable option. 

"You have yet to answer my previous question," the maid stated, maintaining her unblemished appearance and composed demeanor. "I'm giving you a chance to resolve this situation amicably, to spare you from further harm." 

"Heh, quite an audacious claim don't you think?" He scoffed, rolling his shoulders without a hint of intimidation. "You speak of a peaceful resolution, but I highly doubt you're truly going to stop even if I do comply. No matter how I answer your questions, something tells me you're going to twist them to paint me as the villain. Or perhaps you've already made up your mind about me, in which case what’s the point of talking? Furthermore, you have yet to reveal your identity. Considering those points, I can only assume you're an enemy seeking information. So as you can imagine, I can't allow you to walk away freely." 

A frown etched across the woman’s face as her powers surged, emanating a mesmerizing aura of vibrant blue that enveloped her body. The leaves around her danced in response, while a swirl of dust stirred the air. 

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