Chapter Forty-Six.

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The gun's loaded. And I think it'll be empty by sunrise.

Why am I doing this? I have men for these things, I can sit and order them around if I want to but I don't want to do that.

If anyone is killing that bastard, it's going to be me.

But do I surely want blood on my hands? Karma is real. I know it is. I wouldn't want anyone to suffer due to my actions.

"Didn't know I'd be seeing you in this dumpster. Did granddaddy abandon you at last?"

My grip on the gun tightens. I just want to shoot him so I'd never have to see his face again.

"What do you want, Damion?" I finally look at him, he's smirking. That little bastard.

"I wish I could repeat the same thing I've been saying for the last couple of years but right now I need something else, something I'm sure you'll be more than willing to give me."

I narrow my eyes in his direction, what could he possibly want?

"As cousins, I wished that you'd be kind enough to step down from your position as the boss and hand it over to me but you're a stubborn piece of trash. And you hurt me by not inviting me or even my dad to the wedding," He takes a step closer to me. "But I did my research and damn, your wife's hot."

Not even a second later I find my fist in contact with his jaw.

"Watch your fucking mouth," I say to him, who now is on the ground, which is a little dramatic as I didn't even hit him that hard.

"What the fuck, man?"

"What do you want? Tell me before I kill you." I don't know why I'm acting this way. I don't know what's wrong with me.

"I want her. I want your wife. For a night. Or two.Or a lifetime. I don't care. You hand her over to me, and I'll never bother you again."

Exactly seven minutes later, I leave the construction site, blood streaked across my dress shirt, and my knuckles drenched in his dirty blood.

And I don't care if he's dead or alive, Because right now I feel like I've accomplished something.

Andre appears in front of me, He'd been waiting outside with my men just in case I needed their aid.

"Check if he's alive, if so take him to the hospital or throw him in a dumpster, your choice,"


I seriously have no idea what the hell is wrong with me nowadays. I hate it when people look at her, and I hate it when others talk about her in a way they shouldn't.

Is this what it feels like to finally have someone in your life? I've had grandpa in my life and he is my family. But he was never the one to wake me up in the mornings or see me off when I go out. Or just little things like that. 

She never misses a chance to be around me. It's annoying yet I'm getting used to it.

But at the same time, it scares me. Because the moment I let my guard down and let her in my life the way she should be, we're doomed.

And after what happened this morning, I'm in no position to even think about being good to her and giving her the place that she deserves in my life.

People have their eyes on her. Because she's my wife. She's Aiden Hayes' wife.

Me. Aiden Hayes, who has never had any weakness, and now they think that I do. 

I can't let anyone use her to get to me. She's an innocent girl, who had no idea what she was agreeing to when she decided to marry me.

I slap my palm on my forehead when I realize what else I'd done this morning.

I gave her a fucking job in my company.

As my secretary at that.

 What the fuck was I thinking and why did it only hit me now that this could lead us to the worst.

But what's done is done. I'm not a weak man. I can protect her if I want to.

I've got this.

I still remember how I used to be like before I lost my family.

A perfectionist. Even at such a young age, I wanted everything perfect and in place in my life.

I had a perfect life, a perfect family, and perfect circumstances.

Nothing could've gone wrong for me until it did and never got back in place.

My life took a huge turn and I lost a part of myself with that.

I still wish to have a perfect life, but with the circumstance that led to me being who I am today and what I am like, I think it's not my place to wish for a perfect life.

Maybe these thoughts are messing with my mind so much that I can't seem to control my anger.

But then again, when am I not angry?

It's only a matter of time before she finds out that her dad didn't die an accidental death. And when she does...

I'll have to make sure she doesn't open her mouth about it.

By any means.

Even if it means that I'll have to kill her.

I look down at my hands. I don't think I'll ever have the courage to actually kill a person. I've always had other people do it for me. Maybe I have a tiny flicker of hope inside me, that I can lead a normal life and maybe that's why I want to keep my hands clean.

When I married that girl, I knew there'd come a time when I'll have to protect her from all the animals surrounding me.

But never once would I have thought that one day I'll have to protect her from myself.

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