Chapter Fifty.

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"What the fuck were you thinking?" She asks. Anger is building up in her eyes and I suddenly feel the urge to reach out and hug her. Nobody has suffered the way she had.

"I just missed you." I say, that's unlike me. I never miss anyone. But she's the only family I have left, apart from a grandfather who's been lying to me my whole life.

"I didn't. Get the fuck out of my house now, Aiden. You can't be here." She says. I look at her.

"Why are you doing this? You can just leave everything and come live with me." She shakes her head.

"I'm a criminal. I kill people for a living. I have many people after me, they will kill me the moment they catch me, I don't want you to be a part of this shit."

"I know everything, how they destroyed your life. How nobody saved you." I look down at my hands, I feel useless in front of this woman.

This woman who once was my little sister.

"They know you, Aiden. They'll kill you. This all, everything, you know who's running this and it's better your stay away from this." 

"Did you know that we aren't related?" I ask her, expecting a huge reaction out of her but she doesn't even blink.

"I had known that since we were six, Aiden. We were told that we were twins, but that was all bullshit, we are nothing alike, our whole lives were a lie. I don't know who my father is, my mother was sick in the head so was that person we thought was our father." 

"You do know who your real family is now, right?" She asks.

I nod.

"The people who made you live through this hell, my father and brother." Our eyes meet.

"Funny isn't it?" She asks.

"Damion knows everything right?" I ask, I don't even know if that piece of shit is even alive or not, the last time I saw him he was swimming in his own blood.

"He does, Aiden. Him and his father are one team. They always have been. They want you out of their way, just so they can take over everything."

"Grandpa left them long ago, they stand no chance." I say. Ella shakes her head again.

"He didn't. Why do you think they were able to keep me with them? Because of  Charles Hayes, your grandpa. He'll never hesitate to take you out of the way if you don't live by his rules."

"They're targeting me and my wife." My mind suddenly goes to her, Is she okay? "I want to protect her, she's my responsibility."

Ella nods. 

"Aiden, we can never let anyone know that we met today, or even in the future-,"

"That means we'll stay in contact, right?" I ask her. Having her here with me makes me feel like I'm not alone.

"I guess, You have a wife to go back to, who knows, you'll have kids one day. I want you to live the life that I'll never have." She lets out a shaky breath, she doesn't seem like the strong Ella anymore, she seems fragile. "We're not related by blood, but you'll always be my brother. Just go and never look back. Leave everything, take your wife and run."

"I wasn't made for running, Ella. I don't want to run. I'll put an end to this, once and for all." 

"Go home Aiden. She's probably waiting for you, whatever her name is, was it Macy?"

"Marilyn. Her name is Marilyn."


The bruises on her neck are quite visible. Why didn't she hide them properly with makeup when she knew she had work today.

I try my best not to look at her neck, but I kind of do feel sorry for her considering the fact that she spent most of her morning worrying about me.

I try to take care of her today, I don't really know how people take care of one another but maybe if I buy her food she'll feel good?

But I guess I ordered food too early because she was up again in the middle of the night and sneaking into the kitchen.

How does a person eat so much and still stay skinny? That is beyond my imagination. I have to work my ass off to manage my body.

I decide to follow her downstairs to the kitchen because I once read that woman love it when you hug them from behind, I don't really care about what she loves or not but I definitely owe her an apology for last night. I'm not a soft person but I also don't want to be an asshole.

I find her standing in front of the stove, her back towards me. I push every negative thought away and take careful steps towards her until there is little to no space left between us.

I wrap my arms around her waist as I whisper my apology to her. She isn't moving. She's shocked.

 I rest my chin on her shoulder as she tries to confirm my presence.

I kiss her multiple times before going back to bed, because I need sleep. But I feel strangely good. 

Maybe kissing her is my mood booster?

I let positive thoughts engulf my mind for tonight, because I know the next day is going to be full of negative ones.


"So you finally know everything, now what do you think?" Even hearing his voice over the phone is pure misery.

"Why are you calling me?" I ask him even though I know why he's called me.

"Let's forget everything. Let's run the gang together, Aiden. We're brothers after all."

"I don't care if we share the same father, Damion. You're an asshole and so is your father. Stop contacting me and stay away from me." I pull the phone away from my ear and end the call.

Will this all end when one of us dies?

I can't be the one to die, for the first time in my life I've let positivity surround me. I have happy moments all because of her. Even though I don't think I'll ever love her and she for sure won't once she finds out the truth about her father's death. But still, I like the way she makes me feel.

She's like a breath of fresh air in my life. 

That's the only way to describe her.

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