Chapter 15

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Mal was back.

That was the only thing that had been swirling in Drac's head like his mother's curse for the forest of thorns.

After thirty minutes Drac found he was too restless to keep still so he pushed himself off the worn purple sofa in his cavern and grabbed his leather jacket. He wondered if Mal wore her old Isle garb on her trip home or if he'd see her in Auradon preppy attire.

Desperate for a distraction, Drac headed down into the tunnels. He didn't go for his dad's cavern though, he knew he was too wired for any kind of chat. Instead, he wove through and looked for where other exits let out. 

For a while he wandered aimlessly, his mind drifting deep into his thoughts. Wondering if Mal would enjoy the underground as much as he did or if she'd loathe it. Or maybe the grim beauty he saw to the underground came from his father's affiliation to the underworld, maybe it ran in his blood.

When he saw first light he stepped out behind a dumpster. Circling it he saw the sign for the Curl up and Dye. Hmm, interesting. Ducking back in he continued on his way, eventually following music that reached his ears. It wasn't like the normal music of the Isle, and it certainly wasn't Auradon music either. The end of the tunnel was blocked by stacks of boxes of supplies. Without knocking anything over Drac was able to move through the haphazard storage closet and popped out under a raspberry curtain.

"Are ya ready!" he heard a gleeful shout and turned to see a girl with poofy berry colored hair dancing on a table.

Are ya ready?

"Are ya ready!" she shouted again as she turned soaking up the applause of the audience around her. "You're in our world now, not your world."

A man dramatically stepped out from behind her makeshift stage. "And I've got friends on the other side."

As Dr. Facilier took over the crowd his daughter stepped down from the table. Her father gave her a kiss on the cheek before she rounded the crowd asking Facilier to read their future. Drac leaned back on one of the Voodoo Arcade's games and crossed his arms impressed with the showmanship.

"Drac!" Celia exclaimed and rushed over to give him a hug.

"You look good up there." He complimented her, as another sibling of an older VK Celia and Drac had the same understanding as he and CJ did. Though with Celia being a handful of years younger he had nowhere near the bond with her that he had with CJ.

"When Freddie is away Celia will play."

That reminded him. He never got around to going to that meeting with Freddie and Diego. He'd gotten distracted when Ginny Gothel had shown up with the news about Mal. He turned to the nearest clock and looked at the time. 9:30pm. He still had time.

"Drac!" a new voice cried and he turned to see a red head at the entrance with a worried look.

"I gotta –"

"Go." Celia smirked, "Go. Go. Do your boss man thing."

He smiled and fist bumped her goodbye before rushing out with Wynona Sanderson. Outside Martha and Sandra were waiting.

"What is it?" he asked with urgency in his tone.

"Double bubble we've got trouble."


She shook her head, making a red curl fall from the hair piled on her head. "Not Uma. We had split up to cover more ground when Sandra came running over to me. She's just been out with her friends and –"

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