Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

"How are you back here?" she questioned knowing this was Uma's place. She turned and saw Mal a bit to his right and Drac really had no answer for her. "Why are you back here?"

He could tell by her voice that she was not happy about seeing him again. Her tone was angry and there was something in her eyes she was trying to hide behind that. Drac had never been to Ursula's Fish and Chips for any reason other then to make trouble – and that was before Harry became Uma's first mate. Drac didn't want to mess with CJ's family, at the end of the day they were still blood and blood ran thick with villains. But Harry was holding Ben hostage and there was no peaceful way to free him – aside from giving Uma the wand. And he knew Mal wasn't going to do that. It left him with no response other then his mouth hanging open trying to find the words to begin but coming up short. He could see a calculating look in her dark lined eyes but he had no real way to quickly explain what was going on. It was all kind of a long story.

"I, we were, it's just –"

"Isn't it obvious little sister?" came a new voice and Drac turned to see Harry step out of the shadows, cross his arms and lean on the building. "He up and left and went to Auradon. To that bright shiny land of freedom and he didn't think to even tell ye goodbye. Now he's brought his sister back to take over their turf and ours. He used ye. Shows how much ye mean to him after all."

CJ raised her hand to Harry's face and turned to Drac. He knew she wouldn't fall for Harry's words alone, she was smarter then that, but she did turn to him and he could tell she was angry.

"You left without a word." She began and he knew he was going to get a pirate worthy interrogation.

"CJ –"

"Next thing we knew you showed up on a television screen being swarmed by cameras in Auradon." he knew by 'we' she meant the anti-heroes club and the people who had stood by him, "Thought you'd fight for us." She shrugged, "Now you're back and the first thing you're doing is letting her drag you back into her drama?"

CJ nodded at Mal who was standing behind him and she tilted her head at the veiled insult. She didn't say anything, which was unlike her and although he was tongue tied Drac appreciated that she was letting him handle his own problems this time.

"CJ, there is so much I need to tell you but -"

"I've been tellin ya for years sis." Harry spoke up again, "Dragons are heartless beasts."

CJ looked at him like she was breaking inside and he could see her trying to hide it. But he knew her too well and knew what Harry was saying was starting to get to her.

She scoffed and looked away before meeting his eyes again, "I never thought you of all people would turn out to be cold blooded. But I guess it makes sense, you take after your mom."

The insinuation that Drac had as much love in his heart as that tiny little lizard seemed to cross the line for Mal and she stepped forward looking ready to fight CJ.

"That's it you little –"

But Harry pushed himself off the wall and spun to stand in front of his sister and hold his hook to Mal's neck at the same time.

Everything seemed to freeze as they all waited to see who would make the first move. Even pirates all around them turned to watch, some of them rested their hands on their swords ready to jump in and help the Hook's. Drac swallowed nervously knowing that if a fight did break out they were very, very outnumbered.

"If ye weren't bringin' that wand for Uma." Harry began, his voice low and deadly, "I'd keel haul yeh right now." Then he chuckled and smirked, "But on the other hand, it will be much more fun to hook your love when yeh fail."

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