Forgive Me

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I have always been alone. I am in a place where no one goes. Dripping in the comfort of the night, wearing something dark is my disguise. If I would have died, would someone know? In the Shadows...


Severus was stunned that Rose was able to jinx him so easily, even with his guard up. He needed to obliviate her, even though he didn't want to. He needed her to forget him, forget everything she had seen the past few hours, even the past weeks. He wanted her to forget that she ever met Severus Snape. He was always used to being in the shadows, not spoken to, alone so he would get over the pain of losing her, eventually.

He slowly felt Rose release him from his invisible binds and took his time to get back up. He knew what he had to do. He must do it, for the safety of everyone. She had to be a spy for the Malfoys and most importantly, the Dark Lord. He knew that she was too good to be true. Why was he this stupid to believe after everything he had gone through, she would be any different than any other prestigious family in the Pure-blooded world?

Once he got to his feet, he saw her stand up straight, leaving her wand on the table in front of her before slowly backing up. Her eyes didn't leave his as he walked towards her, leaving Severus to feel another tinge of pain. Loss. He knew he was losing her by doing this. He didn't realize that in such a short time of knowing each other that he would feel this way.

Curiously he stared at her and for some reason decided to use Legilimency. He pricked at her mind to see if she would fight back. She didn't. He could tell her mind was elsewhere and she didn't feel him pry it open, to see what she was thinking.

I am going to miss the way he smells and the way he looked at me at the Inn. I know I won't find anyone else like him, but I deserve this. I deserve unhappiness. Look what the Pure-Bloods did to him, to the rest of his people. He could have been it, he could have been my love story. He could have been my somebody.

These thoughts made Severus hesitate for a second. Was this a trick? Maybe she did know he was reading her thoughts. His eyes caught hers again. They were slightly wide with fear and regret. She stood perfectly still once she was fully backed up into the wall. Her eyes were but her shadow. Faded. Defeated. He wanted so desperately for her to be his love story as well. They could have been something of a light in this world full of darkness. He raised his wand slowly to her face, and her eyes darted down to follow it. He saw her chest rise and fall a bit faster. She was scared but didn't fight back. If she was really against him, wouldn't she have fought back? A song raced into his mind, She was singing to herself.

What if there's someone strange as me, playing pretend and making believe? Someone that dreams, I'd like to be, somebody's somebody. What if I had a friend to wed, a common darkest secrets? Listen to me, I'd want to be, somebody's somebody...

She wanted love. All she wanted was to be happy. Maybe she was telling the truth. Maybe she just wants a life of love rather than join a war she never knew existed. How could she have not known? This was a phenomenon. Thousands of people. Hundreds killed. But it would make sense seeing that no one helped. No one from any other country came to Hogwart's rescue. Maybe she was right. No one knew because The Dark Lord didn't want them to. Severus looked into Rose's eyes as tears freely released from them. She then let out one last sigh, in defeat, and closed them tightly.

I wish he could have loved me.

Severus dropped his wand. He couldn't do it. He couldn't let himself lose someone like her. Someone who genuinely wanted just to be loved. Someone who saw the good in the predicament they were in. Severus dropped to his knees as he heard a sob release from her lips.

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