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I saw color, I heard love, the funeral of loneliness into my blood. Is this fate, or is this wrong? What if we belong?


A month has passed since the first night they spent together in Severus's office. They met weekly so Rose could learn more about his past and what happened during the first and second wizarding wars. The first half of their meeting consisted of them both spending time going through all of Severus's painful memories of the past. The latter was spent talking about their different hobbies or sneaking to The Hog Head for a pint or two with Aberforthe. The more they spent time together, the more they could tell they didn't want to be away from one another. Seeing each other once a week wasn't enough, they needed more. When Severus would accidentally pass by her classroom as she prepared for her classes, he would steal a glance, she would feel him as well and look up at him, but quickly back to her books as she studied with Minerva, as they worked on the syllabus for the upcoming year. His eyes would then catch Minvera's where she would slightly shake her head and Severus was forced to leave. They had tried to meet each other a few times in the secret passage, but their time was rushed every time. So they decided to keep it weekly.

The next time Severus went to his office at 9 pm, he waited for her. One hour passed, then another; she never showed. His palms grew clammy and his mind started to wander.

Were they found out? Was she in danger? Were they torturing information out of her?

He decided that maybe an emergency came up, but when she didn't show up again the next week and the following, he knew something was wrong. He paced back and forth in his quarters and decided to head up to Minerva's office, she would at least have an inkling about what happened, since she's supposed to know everything about the students and professors. He grabbed his cloak and ran out to Minerva's office.

"Severus, it's 2 in the morning. What are you doing here?"

"May I come in Headmistress?" Severus felt his voice break. He didn't want to show his true face to anyone, but he may not even be able to contain his worry. Minerva looked outside for the Death Eaters that were monitoring the halls. There were none to be seen. Minerva then nodded and let Severus in.

"I apologize for the intrusion, Minerva, but I need to know..."

"You want to know why Rose hasn't come to see you the past couple of weeks," Minerva stated as she grabbed two glasses and poured some brandy into them.

Severus grabbed for the glass as he nodded, "Obviously."

"I received an owl from Narcissa Malfoy..." Minerva said and took a sip, "She needed Rose to come back to the Manor so she and Draco could have more time together. You know of their particular arrangement."

"I do," Severus mumbled as he drank.

"Severus, you knew this would be dangerous from the start. She may be on our side, but she is on the side of the Lord by status." Minerva sighed.

"She doesn't want to be, she wants to be on our side. She wants to take down the Lord, just like she said in the..."

"She's only a girl, Severus," Minerva whispered loudly, "there is only so much she can do to keep her family safe. It's not just you she worries about."

"She isn't just a girl, Minerva," Snape said as he stood from the chair and walked towards the outer wall of Minvera's office, running his fingers through his hair.

Minerva stood, her hand that held her glass, slightly shaking, "You can't mean to tell me, Severus, you grew to love the girl. You can't do that!"

"It's already been done," Severus spat back. It was true. He loved her. He never knew he could love someone as much as he loved Lily Evans. Rose was the light that broke his darkness. That's what the pain was, it wasn't worrying, it wasn't fear, it was love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2023 ⏰

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