Chapter 29

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Oaklee Monroe POV 

(a month later)

It's been a month since I came to the orphanage, it's been ok. I'm more underweight then before and I have bruises from getting tripped and punched by other kids. It seems like a fight for life always here. I almost got raped in the showers and the leaders group always looks for an excuse to hit me.

I started searching things up on another kids phone who I gave my extra food too. I found out more about fostering and adopting, hoping that Ares still cares about me and is trying because 15 year olds don't get adopted. 

I woke up with James sleeping beside me, we talked last night and he fell asleep on me again. I push him off the bed and he groans. I laugh he hits me lightly. We get ready and eat breakfast. I watch as the leaders get their breakfast first before anyone else.

I roll my eyes and get me and James breakfast. We eat it. I give James some of my food to keep him healthy and full. After breakfast we don't do much until a very loud bell rings 4 times.

"What's happening?" I ask James as everyone starts cleaning and changing.

"Someone is coming to adopt. Since only the bell went they want all ages to come, sometimes the head lady will announce the ages but today it seems like everyone will be lining up." I nod and we both change into our best clothes. 

I fix the collar of James's shirt and comb him hair back. He smiles and fixes my hair. Then we head downstairs. We enter a room, I've never been in before. We move to the back and stand in rows. The leaders are standing towards the front and few kids are holding younger kids but there are also some play pens around with kids.

The door opens and in walks the head lady. She walks through the rows, spitting comments at certain kids and sneering at everyone. She walks down our row but doesn't say anything. We keep our back straight and heads up. I grab James hand and squeeze it for comfort. 

The door opens once again and this time it's a lady walking and leading someone in. There talking.

"And here are all the kids, I ask again if there is a certain age group your looking for." I lean to the side a bit and when I look at the people, I gasp. There stands, the Rivera brothers and Ares Cruz.

Ares Cruz POV

(Day before)

"Yes." I jump up and cheer like crazy. "I have been approved to foster. Tomorrow we are going to the orphanage and we are getting her back."

That night I was way too excited to sleep and around 3am I heard Elijah come in. 

"Hey, Elijah. Are you have trouble sleeping too? Cause like-what are you doing?" I ask as I feel a pinch in my arm, because it was so dark I didn't see the needle.

"You'll thank me later." He says laying me back down.

"But-but we have to wake up early tomorrow."

"Well, we will go when you wake."

"This thing will knock me out for at least eight hours." I mutter as my eyes start to close.

"Twelve if I'm lucky." 

"Twelve hours?" I yell.

"Shush, good night."

Then I don't wake again until around noon. I glare at Elijah the whole car ride since Carter is driving and me and Elijah are both sitting in the back. I don't talk to him either. 

When we arrive, a lady leads us through. We say we don't know what age we want and we hear all the kids gathering. She lead us to a room where all the kids are lined up in rows. There are some girls at the front batting their eyelashes at us but all I do is start walking down the rows.

I spot Oaklee. She gives me a small smile and I smile back. I notice her holding a boys hand. He is shaking and she whispers something to him. He smiles and shakes his head relaxing. I go back to the lady and tell her about those two kids.

Everyone else leaves.

"Oaklee." I say and she looks at me. The lady looks at me and motions for Oaklee and the boy to come forward. They walk to us and I pull Oaklee into a hug. That's when I notice how small she is and how she has a black eye. I let her go and she goes back to holding the boys hand.

"Oaklee, I want to foster you and this boy." I say. I don't actually know this boy but they seem like friends and I can't wait for the challenge of two kids.

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