Logan Field x New Kid! M. Reader

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Thank you @star_dewwy for the request! Here it is! Also, my @ thing won't work, lil sorry about that.

During phantoms

The reader is a new kid who shows up a month in school

Does NOT go to the dream realm unlike the others but know's about it

He/him pronouns for the reader

REQUESTER WANTED FLIRTY M/N BUT I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN DO THAT, I'm so so sorry, it was supposed to be New Kid! Flirty! male reader but there isn't much flirting

It's not the best but I tried to be better at the end

[M/N] for Male Name

[L/N] for Last Name


As I held the paper in front of my face I grumbled angrily. I know, I know, I'm such a loser, showing up to high school a month in already. It's really not my fault though, my parents just didn't really inform me that we were moving.

I was looking at my paper schedule, muttering in annoyance that I didn't know where I was going until I bumped into someone. "Where is it-!" "Ack!" The person and I collided, and I noticed I had run into a group of people.

"Ow..." the person muttered. The guy had pale, light blonde hair with pretty blue eyes. Gorgeous blue eyes. "You're eyes are like sapphire stones." I blurted out. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me, shocked. A hue of red covered his cheeks slightly as he started looking around for something.

I noticed black glasses and quickly handed them to him. "Here, sorry bout bumping into you. ." I apologized as he took his glasses. "It's alright, I'm okay." He smiled at me, making me surprised. Stars- I think I just fell in love-

"Logan, are you done? We gotta go." A boy with tanned skin and dark hair asked. "Y-yeah, let's go." I noticed there was a girl who looked like the male, twin obviously, a tall male, a blonde male with a smile, and a girl with ginger hair.

"Ah- you wouldn't by any chance know where room 201 is?" I asked the group. They looked at me and the ginger-haired girl pointed, behind me. "Just take a left over there. Second classroom" She instructed. I nodded as thanks as we parted ways.

Logan, Logan... He's kind of cute. I thought as I noticed room 201. The teacher seemed to be unloading his things as I walked to his desk. "Hello, are you the teacher?" I asked the man. He jumped and looked at me.

"Scared me there. Yes, I'm the teacher. My name is Thomas Walter." He held out his hand for a handshake with I gave him. "[Male Name] [Last Name]. Pleased to meet you, sorry for coming a month late." I greeted myself. He told me it was okay and let me sit in the last seat since it would be too much of a hassle to change the seats around.


[Male Name] mindlessly thudded the bottom of his pencil against the wooden desk. Staring off into space, he daydreamed of his friend's problems. The group he had met, apparently had a big problem: Phantoms. And also dimension traveling. They didn't tell him about it but he pretty much figured it out on his own.

Ashlyn Banner was the 'leader' of sorts and was pretty chill to hand with. Aiden Clark was a psychotic, rich boy mess, sometimes taking things seriously or not but was cool. Ben Clark didn't talk but he was super kind and a little awkward. Tyler and Tayler were alright, Ty could do it with his attitude, and Logan.

Dear stars, where did he begin?

The moment [Male Name] prayed his [eye color] eyes upon Logan's pretty sapphire, gemstone eyes he felt his heart stop. [Male Name] knew he fell in love, he knew it the moment he saw Logan. His personality, his eyes, his shyness, and awkwardness, just everything about him, [Male Name] loved. 

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