epilogue: How it all ends

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Harry has lived a long, hard life. His parents died when he was one year old, leaving him to be taken in by his aunt and uncle who hid his whole life beyond the muggle world from him. His childhood filled with abuse and neglect, causing him to fall into a deep depression. Even in his school years, he was targeted and hunted by the same person who caused all of his suffering.

And the icing on the cake, he was forced into a war at a young age in the wizarding world, almost dying many times and his mental health just kept getting worse and worse. All that was left was his hurt, his friends had died in the war that took everything from him.

He had nothing left, even when he won the war, he felt absolutely nothing. He was numb.

There was nothing left, and so, filled with pain and regret, staring out at the silent land that was once a battlefeild, he put his wand on his forehead, and with one final mutter and a bright green flash, he ended it all.

As the darkness consumed him and his last thoughts were of his sad life, he smiled one last time, in relief or in spite is something he doesn't know.

And at last, he lost consciousness.

Little does he know, there is a being watching this that is beyond mortality, and is hell bent on not letting him stay dead.

"Sorry master, I can't let in end like this. You are too amusing for that"

The being let's out a low, amused chuckle and snaps their fingers causing the resounding sound to echo in the darkness.

This was about to be fun.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the epilogue, I know I did! Fun fact, if you pinch right under your nipple, you won't feel it!

Q/N: what's your favorite color? Mine is black, viridian green, and wine red x_x

Your dear sarcastic simp~

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