Chapter 5: I'm leaving *sassy hair flip*

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Harry had took the bus back to the dursleys house and let Hedwig out of her cage. He took a suitcase out of Vernon and Petunia's closet, which, might i add, has some fuggly ass clothes. Filling it up with the little items he had.

He opened the safe in the office with a bit of magic and took 200$
from it. What was worse, him stealing a couple things from them, or him not having the essentialls to make it out of the muggle world? Besides, wouldn't be his first time stealing.

That's what I thought.

When he was done packing and preparing himself for his next actions, he sat on the couch, Hedwig cuddling his side, and Athena loosely wrapped around his neck. He was waiting for the family of mole rats to get back to their boring house.

He didn't have to wait long before he heard the sound of clinking keys on the door handle. Harry took a deep breath, he was about to do what he was to scared to in his past life.

The three snobs walked onto the living room to see Harry sitting on the couch, legs crossed, with Hedwig and Athena. The two adult children felt a flurry of emotions. Anger, because Harry wasn't allowed on the couch, fear, because of the animals closely wrapped around him, and a chill ran down their spines at the cold, blank look Harry gave them. They froze.

The youngest of the three was feeling somewhat similarly . He felt jealousy that Harry had got those cool animals and he didn't, anger for the look Harry gave him, and confusion as to why his parents weren't scolding the child for being so strange and for sitting on the couch.

Vernon finally snapped out of it and went to open his mouth, but before he could spew some shit straight out of his ass, Harry spoke first.

"I know of my up bringings, who my parents are, the way they died, and what I am. I know it all" he said, monotonously.
The older dursleys paled visibly. He knew, but how?

"I've had enough of the way you treat me and the way you all look at me. I will be leaving. You won't try to stop me or you'll regret it". He continued, nonchalantly throwing a threat into his words. It was only slightly suspicious that he was so casual when threatening someone.....strange.

'They look like flamingos. Pink, wide eyes, and are staring in shock' Harry internally snickered, keeping his exterior blank.

The dursleys stuttered, they didn't know what to do. Ickle Dudleykins was confused, what did he mean? why weren't his parents yelling at him or saying anything? he was pissed at the way Harry spoke and that he couldn't understand what he meant.

"Daddy! He's upsetting me! do something about it!" the fool blubbered.

Vernon seemed to snap out of his trance. He was mad.

"like you treated me any better." Harry grumbled, standing up and grabbing the suitcase filled with his stuff. Hedwig had migrated onto this shoulder and Athena was hissing at the Dursleys.
"That's the suitcase from our room!! That's theft!!" Petunia said, desperation showing clearly on her face.

"who do you think court would be more lenient with, a small time theif who is a minor, or two adults who abused a kid?" Harry said bluntly.

Petunia snapped her mouth shut quicker than a pervert can find feet pics. That made her freeze. She didn't know how to retort.

Harry walked down the hall towards the door, he was about to leave and there was nothing they could do about it.

"Dudley, maybe one day you'll learn the truth of the real world. Maybe you'll realize how cold it can be. I sure hope your parents continue to love you as much as they can for as long as they can. As someone who never got to experience that, I can only hope that you will live happily" Harry said over his shoulder.

No matter how arrogent Dudley was at the moment, no matter how spoiled he was and no matter what he has done to Harry, he could never wish what he has experienced on anyone else, that would just be cruel. Also partly because he wanted to make them feel bad.

Turning his head to face the door again, he opened it, feeling the cold air hit his face. And without a single glance back, he walked down the driveway, down the street, and out of the Dursleys view.

Harry Potter Peverell, the boy who never truly lived, had abandoned the dursleys.

A/N: well, the drama.“ψ(`∇´)ψ. Also, I'm thinking of making this a Tomarry, I've actually been contemplating it for a while and might make it one.

Fun fact: adults are supposed to eat at least 1 1/2 cups of fruit a day. And the American heart health association recommends only one egg a day.

Q/N: what is your Hogwarts house? I'm a Slytherin. (^.^)

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