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Another boring day at the office. Blitzo and those other morons went to the human world to take out some bitch. I could give less of a fuck. I was at my desk, scrolling through some random ass thread of comments on some post about someone's shitty opinion. 

I was about to get up and raid the fridge, when I heard a knock.

Loona: Come back later, asshole. 

knock knock knock

Loona: I said, fuck off!


Loona: Tch… that's what I thought.

???: click Please open the door click

I've about had it with this asshat. I make my way to the door and throw it open. Standing there was some fucker in a rabbit mask, with his clothes covered in blood. Relatively fresh blood, my nose picked up on. Something about him seemed familiar, I just couldn't quite pin it. He was taller than I was, by a few inches at least. Definitely taller than the usual client. I don't care how big he is though, I'm still gonna kick this guy's ass. 

Loona: What part of 'fuck off' do you not understand. 

???: click I'm here about rewind the job opening click

Loona: I don't know where you heard that, but we aren't hiring. So get lost, before I kick your ass. 

After that, I slammed the door on him. Fuck that guy. I went back to my desk and sat down. A few minutes later, Blitzo called and had me open a portal to bring them home. Once that was done, they all entered the office. Moxxie looked fucking devastated. 

Blitzo: Loonie, call the client and tell 'em that bitch is dead. I'm gonna go grab some party supplies, this calls for a celebration!

As he made his way to the front door, I couldn't help but watch. When he opened the door, that creep was gone. Good fuckin' riddance. 

1 Hour Later…

We were all sat around the meeting room eating cake with the client. Apparently this was a special occasion that I was not aware of. All that matters is we get paid, I guess. After a few minutes, I hear knocking, again. 

Blitzo: I'll get it.

He opens the door and who do I see? That same fucker from before. 

Blitzo: What can I do for ya? Need someone dead, or maybe deader than dead?

???: click I heard there was a rewind job opening rewind is that correct? click

Blitzo: Um, not that I'm aware of. But why the fuck not, you seem way better than some of my employees ahem Moxxie. You can be head of… of… internal… affairs? Yeah, yeah that sounds businessy enough. You'll be head of internal affairs. Which is something I'm way too familiar with. 

Moxxie: I'm sorry sir, but, what the fuck?! We hardly know this guy, let alone ran a proper interview. 

Blitzo: I know exactly what I'm doing, Moxxie. I wouldn't be the boss if I didn't. Now, everyone, meet… uh, what's your name?

Jacket: rewind Jacket

Blitzo: Everyone, meet Jacket.


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