10 Dress

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I lay back on the hot black metal roof of the limo. I was almost completely dry from me jumping in the water.
A smile stayed on my face as I watched the last golden magic rings pass over us. I watch the tops of the trees pass over us as we drive through Auradon and arrive at the school.
Just as the car pulls to a stop I sit up and watch as Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, Lonnie and Ben exit the car. I dangle my feet over the edge facing them just as they were about to walk away.

"Isn't it lovely to be back." I smile as they all quickly turn around shocked.

"(Y/n)?" Evie gasped.

"Who else."

"Why are you here? And how." Mal asked stepping forward, the others get ready for a fight.

"How I got here is simple, the limo. But if you mean more of the specifics." I jump up and fly landing in front of Mal. "Pixie dust. And why I'm here. Well Evie asked me to come back."

"You rejected it." Evie said.

"No, I said I'll think about it, there's a difference." I look at Jay. "Sorry about your nose."
I start to walk off but I feel someone grabbing my arm.

"If you're going to stay. Your not getting out of our sight until we can trust you." Jay said.

"Okay." I agree not really bothered by it.

We walk off into the yard, Lonnie leaves with swords as I can feel Carlos and Evie watching me.

"Cotillion's tonight. Come here. look." Jane called to Ben as she walked over.

Evie watched me as we waited for Jane to finish. Soon her and Ben leave. Evie dragged me to Mal.

"We need to talk." She said to Mal who agreed and us three started to walk off.

"No." Carlos says from behind us, we turn to face him.

"No?" Evie questions.

"You guys are always going off in a huddle, whispering your Girl-talk stuff or whatever, and    (Y/n) turns out you've been keeping quiet a lot of stuff from us for years, Jay and I are tired of it." Carlos admitted.

"I'm not." Jay disagrees.

"We're your family, too. We've been through a lot. Together. I'm not stopping that now. Okay? Everyone, sit. Come on." Carlos sits on the grass, I sit down after him. After a little wait the other three sit down.
"I don't know how to start Girl talk." Carlos looks at Jay for help.

"What up?" Jay starts.

"Well..." Mal says. "I'm a mess. I'm such a mess. I mean, six months ago. I was, you know, stealing candy from babies. And now, everybody wants me to be this Lady of the Court, and I have no idea how to keep up the act." Mal spills almost crying.

"Then don't." Carlos tells her. "(Y/n), your turn."

"Well fine. I never belonged here, you all do though, and all have something here that you stay for, you all have love. But mine is in the Isle. And I guess you all know who he is now. When I we were young I always felt like I had to impress you and always be tough or you would kick me out. But I ran into Harry when I was, scared and in trouble. He could have left me but he helped me. You never notice when I was gone. But now and even before we left I knew that we were all friends for the long haul, but that doesn't mean I tell you everything." I was surprised in how truthful and how much I told them.

"Oh, (Y/n)." Evie says sounding guilty.

"You guys are my friends, my family. But love will always come first for me, remember that."

"See? This was dumb." Jay says about to get up.

"Maybe it wasn't." Evie stops Jay. "We're always gonna be the kids from the Isle. I tried to forget it, I really tried. But those are our roots. And we all did what we had to do to survive, but it made us who we are. And we're never gonna be like anybody else here. And that's okay. That's okay." Evie said holding Mal's hand.

"And we can't fake it." Carlos said.

"No." Evie agreed.

"Yeah, I mean, especially without my spell book." Mal says.

"Well, if Ben doesn't love the real you, then he's not the one." Carlos said.

"I like that." Evie smiles.

"Give him a chance." Carlos told Mal.

"I'm gonna make some changes to your dress, and if you're up for it, only if you're up for it, it'll be waiting for you, okay?" Evie told Mal and gave her a hug. Then we all, except for Mal stood up.

"(Y/n), your with me." I sigh and follow her to our dorm.

Evie brought out a green dress.

"I'm not going." I state.

"Yes you are, so I can keep an eye on you." Evie tossed me a green dress. "Now put it on so I can see what else I need to fix."
I groan and turn around. I lay my clothes on my bed as Evie helps me with the dress.
Once I was in she pulled me to the mirror.
Must admit, she did amazing, the dress compliments me perfectly, and the colour even looked great. Evie went off and worked on something as I put some dress for other Girls on hangers and hung them on the rack. Evie picked up what she was working on and walked over pulling me back to the mirror.

      "Close your eyes." She told me.I sigh and do as she says. I feel her pulling my arms through something. "Ok, you can look." She says excitedly.
I open my eyes and bring my hands to my mouth.

      "What do you think?" Evie asked.

     "I love it." I smile looking down at the pirate coat she made, it reminded me of Harry. It fit well with the dress.

Evie went and worked on my hair, and added a couple things to more fit me.

As Evie was in the middle of tightening my waist we heard a knock.

"Come in." Evie says as she finishes with my waist and goes to the cart of dresses.

Doug came through the door. "I have a scout badge and s'mores. How could you go camping without me?" Doug said.

     "What?" Evie said just as confused as I am.

     "Are you seeing someone else?" Doug asked. "Are you?"


    "Is it Happy's Son? Cause let me tell you, he is not as happy as his Dad. Kind of a dark streak, in fact."

     "Doug, Ben was captured on the Isle. We reduced Ben and saved Auradon." Evie told him.

     "So, you're not seeing Happy's Son or anyone else." Doug made sure.

     "Don't be dopey." Evie said and gave him a kiss. "Besides, we have dresses to deliver. It is Cotillion day, after all. And you know what? I was lucky enough to have been given a chance and now I need to give someone else a chance, too." Evie told Doug.

     "My Uncle Bashful used to say that." Doug said.

     "Did he?" She asked.

     "Yeah. But really quietly." Evie laughs as they start to wheel the rack full of dresses out the door.

     "Evie! What about me?" I yell after her.

     "Oh, don't move, I'll be right back." She yelled back.

      "Great." I sigh as I stand still in the dress looking in the mirror.

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