12 Dragon

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The water started to spin round and rise. It went faster and higher till it was taller than the ship then it suddenly burst soaking the ship and everyone on it.
A wicked laugh came from the same direction. I smiled as I saw Uma who was much bigger and had tentacles.

"True love's kiss won't defeat this. The world will know my name!" Uma yells whipping on if her tentacles at the ship causing everyone to scream.
I turn my head to Mal and see her eyes turn green Uma laughs in the background.

    "Mal?" Ben asks walking toward her, I grab his arm stopping him as purple smoke surrounds Mal.
A loud roar comes from the growing smoke, it disappears revealing a Mal who is now a dragon and she flew towards Uma.
Mal shot fire at Uma which she dodged, and slashed one of her tentacles up at Mal.

    "Come on, Mal. Let's finish this once and for all." Uma yelled to her.

Mal swoops down breathing fire beside Uma. Uma swipes at Mal again but she dodges and flys around to be directly in front of Uma. Mal breathes fire and Uma quickly dives under the water. When she reemerges, she sends a giant wave for the ship.

     "Watch out!" Ben warns, as the wave hits the boat and splashes more water on the deck, every one slides back and forth on the water covered deck as the boat rocks, I tightly grip the railing so I don't slide with them. Once it calms down slightly Ben ran beside me to watch Mal.
He lets out a loud roar before turning around to the rest of the people on the ship. I turn around with my back to the railing but I'm still holding on. Ben walks over and gives Carlos his crown and Jay his jacket before he walks back towards the edge.

     "Wait. Ben! No!" Doug yelled but it was too late Ben ran for the railing and jumped diving into the water.
Everyone rushed beside me as I turn back around looking in the water for Ben.

We see him resurface in front of Mal.

     "MAL! UMA! STOP! BACK DOWN!" Ben yelled at them. Uma just laughed.

    "What are you gonna do, Ben? Splash me?" Uma laughed, well she does have a point.

     "THAT'S ENOUGH! It's got to stop. This isn't the answer. The fighting has got to stop. Nobody wins this way. We have to listen and respect each other. It won't be easy. But let's be brave enough to try. Uma, I know you want what's best for the Isle. Help me make a difference." Ben said looking back and forth between the two of them, then he stuck out one hand to Uma.
They looked at each other in silence for a bit till Mal snarled, and roared at Uma when she lifted up a tentacle and reached towards Ben's hand. But instead of taking it she dropped something gold in it then swam under. Ben came back to the boat, Jay and Carlos got the ladder for him to climb up. The boat was filled with cheering people when Ben came back aboard. He walked over to the bottom of the stairs with his mother and father behind him, as he put on the crown.
I turned around when I heard the screeching of Mal the dragon. She slowly lowered herself onto the other side of the boat and was instantly surrounded by a cloud of purple smoke. When it cleared it revealed Mal. But instead of her yellow and blue dress and her side braid, she had a beautiful purple dress same style as the old one and only slightly smoking, her hair was down and curled with a crown on top of her head.
She smiled and bowed at Ben as he did the same.
Two waiters it yellow suits took her arms and helped her down the stairs. When she reached the bottom Evie was waiting there. The two men let go as Mal stood beside Evie.

They both laugh and Evie takes Mal's hand walking her over to Ben. Mal stumbles and they kiss.
I turn around and look off at the Isle and the water but there was no sign of Uma. I sighed and made my way through the crowd to stand beside Evie.

    "I owe you guys so much." Ben said.

    "Yeah." Evie agreed.

    "You got that right." We agreed.

    "If there is anything that you need, or anything that I can do for you..." Ben said.

     "Um... Actually... There is, Ben." Evie said stepping forward. "I know a Girl who'd... who'd really love to come to Auradon. It's Drizella's Daughter, Dizzy. She's like a little Sister to me." Evie asked.

     "Then she should come." Ben agreed.

     "Okay. Okay, great. Actually, um..." Evie laughs and looks back at me but continuing. "Ben, there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids just like us who also deserve a second chance. Can I maybe get you a list?"

    "Yes, yes, absolutely. Please." Ben smiles and every one cheers.

     "Lady Mal, we found your spell book below deck. Uma had it." A man in a yellow suit said handing it to her.

     "Ooh. Um..." Mal thinks looking at it. "You know, this seems like the kind of thing that belongs in the hands of Fairy Godmother. Fairy Godmother." Mal calls.

     "Okay. That's me." She quickly made her way over. "Thank you. Mmm-hmm."

     "This belongs in the museum." Mal says handing it over to her.

     "It does, yes. And I'm gonna take it." She says.

    "Go for it." Mal says as people laugh.

Evie looks at me, asking for me to do the same with my pixie dust.

     "You know my answer." I tell her.
She sighs then smiles turns around to face Mal and Ben.

I watch Mal splash Ben, and Ben splashes her back laughing at each other.

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