Chapter 30: welcome back Dove

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"Welcome  home my sweet baby" said my mom with her arms stretched. She was wearing a yellow long sleeved  dress that hugged  her body and reached just below her knees. She paired that with her black see through hand gloves and black heels. She had her hair in a ponytail with her makeup matching her outfit.  She was a bit of a  fashionista.

"How I've missed you. Come to mommy now" she said and Axel who had a tight grip on my elbow pushed me forward. "Go meet mother. It's been  5 years show some respect" he said in a calm voice.

Instead I just kept my place which made mother's  smiling face quickly turn into a big frown. "You never were quite the perfect daughter were you now darling?" She said.

She walked with  her heels clicking the floors loudly towards me which I'm sure made the guards inside the house annoyed with the noise.

Getting to me she pulled  into a hug. "From now on I'm going to make you into a new Dove. The one that's  told and obeys. And this one is going to be my most prized possession." She told me.

"Okay then , Emily take her to her room. Make sure  she stays in there" she said to a maid who was just standing by her corner.

"This way madam." Said Emily. I just looked at my mother one more time before I followed Emily to my so called room. 

My room , everything  in it had changed.  The walls were now white the furniture was more of  this dull beish colour. I hated everything in it.

"Beautiful  isn't it." Said my mother as she entered into my room soon after Emily had left. "I specifically  called one of the country's best designer to get this room fixed." She said before sitting on the couch  in my room.

"You know when you left , I spent more time in this room than anywhere else." She said softly.  She sighed and looked at me. "I really missed you so much my baby girl. I regretted  everything I did  to you. That was inhumane  and no mother should ever do that to their child or anyone for that matter." She said and stood up.

She started taking slow steps to me. "My darling I can never forgive myself for what I did to you." She said while wiping some tears that had fallen on her face.

I know what she's doing. I just laughed at my stupidity back then. If I was still their old Dove I'd have run into her arms telling her how much I love her. I'd have told her to stop blaming herself.

I'd have fallen for each and every single word that would've flown  out of  her mouth but not this time.

Right now I'm just scared because I know I'm not just home just for the sake of it. I'm home because they need something. But my question is what do they even want from me.

Have they been looking me all this while or have they already know where I was.

Last time I talked to Papa he said my father had come to meet  him. He had said that he said whatever is going to happen now would bring the family together.

"Why do you want me here?" I suddenly asked and mom looked taken aback for a moment. "W-what do you mean ? Amelia , darling this is home. Your home" she said.

She cupped my cheeks and looked straight into my eyes. "This is where you grew up. You're bound to return here at some point." She said to me.

"Dove my darling.  You're home." She said and walked out of the room. Closing the door I heard the click sound of it knowing  I'm locked inside.

I just sat on my bed and let the thoughts   cloud me.

Is Milan okay?
I really hope he's safe. He should be  , after all , the threat was Axel and his stupid men but they're  back here. He is safe.

Oh Leon , I've been trying my hardest to talk to him these past few days but he's just been ignoring me. And when we met at the airport  his eyes didn't hold the same emotion they held when he left. He looked at me like he hated me. He didn't even say anything to me. How should I know what happened  to him.

She's okay. She has to be. Axel never mentioned her so she's okay and so is Alla and Adam. They're all okay.

"Dove Amelia Thompson" said a voice which I don't even know where it came from. "This is Axel Thompson  speaking also your brother."  He said.

"So now we're going to torture you as a punishment for you going away. No , scratch  that , a punishment  because you ran away from home. So sit tight because this is going to go on for the next two hours minimum." He said and just like that I could feel beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

No I wasn't scared. I wasn't sweaty because I was  scared. I was sweaty because the whole room was really hot. I felt like I was walking in the Kalahari Desert with  winter clothes on me.

My clothes were already drenched with sweat and I couldn't even keep standing. I  felt  drained. I could barely keep my eyes open neither could I close them either.

Water , I need water my throat felt really dry. It'd never felt like this before.

Mustering a bit of strength I finally managed to get into my  bathroom.

Getting to the sink and turning  the sink nothing came out. Even the hot water tap had nothing.

Please , No.  "Oh Amy , I almost forgot  to tell you. We've cut the water supply  of your room. " Said Axel through the microphone and  just then the heat stopped.

"By the way Amy you always wanted to visit Poland didn't you?" He said. I could barely listen  to him and my breathe was coming in short and unsteady.

"Let's take you to Poland then" and just then all I felt was cold. This was worse than the time he'd locked in the cold room when we were at Nana's place for 5 hours.

I was really shaking. My legs felt frozen and couldn't move.

"P-p-ple-please s-st-op" I said with my hoarse bearly audible voice. My chest had started to tighten and  breathing had already started to become a great difficulty.

"Did you say something?" Asked Axel but I couldn't respond. Just then all the lights switched off. The room was now pitch black. I can't stand the dark.

"A-Ax-Axel p-pl-please" I begged. I couldn't even feel my body anymore. I just felt numb.

"AMELIA" boomed a voice and my heart literally stopped. Have you ever felt like your heart just cracked.  That feeling when your heart hurts like hell and everything around you stops because the pain you'd be feeling is just so excruciating  and it's not stopping.

That's exactly how I felt before my eyes finally gave up on me.

"Welcome back Amelia. We'd greatly missed you mi amor" was the last thing I heard before I completely fell into that endless blackhole.

Secretary  Mom Wife  (Editing)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang