Chapter 34: plans in motion.

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"Make sure that all the popular media personnel will be there. Their invitations should've  been loaded into our tablets. And please absolutely no spelling errors or mispronounciations. The catering company should arrive earlier because  I want absolutely everything on point. We're  going on every TV platform so we should look the part." Said  my father as he barked orders at every servant who passed through him.

"Axel don't just sit there and stare at your phone. Do something useful." He said and I just glared  at him before I huffed.

"Does it envolve killing Dove?" I asked him with zero interest on whats going on. He pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at me. "She's now an asset. A very important  asset. We can't treat her like trash now. At least not yet" He said.

I just looked at him before walking out of the room. "You'll  understand this soon son. You just need time and results" he said but I chose to ignore him and herd straight up to my room.

In the living room there were some pictures that were professionally  photoshopped.   They were of Dove and I at some lake house. Then another one when we were  at an amusement  park. Then a  photo where Dove  was going to prom with Davis.  The last one in a gold frame was when Dove was just a baby and I was 3 years old. The only real picture of us in this house.

The only picture where everyone in it was extremely happy.  This was when we were still a family. I just chuckled. "There's nothing called a happy family here" I said to myself.

"Maybe you could change that" said a voice from behind me. Turning  to the source I found the  same nanny who raised me. She was always  there. My soccer practice,  my meet my parent day. She was even there when I had a fever late in the night but mom nor dad were there.

"You know the same person who is suffering is your little sister right?" She asked me. "She might not have anyone else and it might also not be important to her but all she might need is her brother. She needs you" she tells me.

"You're her Knight in shining armour  at all times. Don't you get that?" She asked. "You know when I was with you. All the time I'd never imagine that what you're doing now is what'd become of you my dear. You can do better than this. Way better. I still have faith in you" she said and walked away to attend to whatever she was doing.

I just ran a hand through my hair before walking towards the main room where I'm sure I'd find dad.

Before I could say anything upon  reaching him a tight harsh slap landed on my left cheek. The sting told me who it was. Everytime she slapped me her rings would make it more painful. Also her third ring on her middle finger always scratched my cheek.

I regained my posture and  looked at her. "Mother" I addressed her.  "You" she said while pointing  her finger at me.

"Everything that we've  been working on. Absolutely everything we've been  working on you decided to  pour it down the drain in just one moment." I looked at her frowned. "What do mean? What have I done ?" I asked her.

She scoffed before she looked away from  me. "Your phrases.  Telling her how you promised to protect her from the day she was born. Really , Axel. I don't expect  you to be this stupid. I have to give her three doses just to cloge  her memories. Do  make mistake like this again and I'll kill you personally." She said to me looking straight into my eyes.

She was more than furious. She was blazing. What's wrong with her? She's was never like this. Yes , she's been abusive and all but this. It looks more like a mental  challenge  really. I really don't know.

"I'm sorry" was all I said before i walked out of the house and drove to the nearest bar.

L     E         O         N

"You mean to tell me that they erased all her memories only only start planting new ones in her system. How's that even possible ?" Asked Lillian.

She'd flown to London along with Milan , Mom , Dad , Alla and Adam , Sofia also tagged along. They all came here as soon as I told them that Dove was getting engaged to Davis Akim one of the guys who owns the biggest oil chains.

The only thing that's been keeping me sane enough so far was Milan. He also had noticed Dove's absence and he's been really hard to deal with.

He's cranky , crying all the time and he's been trying to say something for the past I don't know days but he just can't seem to say it cause he can't talk properly yet.

"Why would they even do that. That's fucking absurd" complained Sofia. Everyone agreed with her.

"What now?" Asked Adam. "Well she's getting engaged  tomorrow  right. And today she got back home from the hospital. So far we've noticed that she's trying to remember  everything on her own. Axel said something  he'd once  told  her back then and it seemed to spark some of her memories but her mother made sure to clog them again." I explained.

"That's where Leon comes in. We all know how emotionally connected  they both were to each other before he acted like a duck." I glared at him while everyone  ignored him.

"I tonned the  bad words down because we've got three babies in the room." He explained to me. " Anyway , that's not even where my point is. If we manage to get Leon close enough Dove maybe , just maybe she'd remember something. Maybe she'd remember  everything about  herself." He said.

"Okay , that's quite a plan but how do you expect to get into an invitation only party?" Asked my dad.

"That's where we come in" said Mitchel. "Yes ,  the invitations are on this  tablet. So we'll  just add Leon and Michael's  names when the guests  are arriving. So they're entry is an easy go" explained Max.

"Max , I wanna go too. I met Dove before any of them. I could be of help" said Lillian. Max thought for a moment before he nodded. "Yeah , you got a point on that one girl. So are you the only guests that are going?" He asked looking at Adam.

Adams looked at Max confused. "Excuse me  Mr , no girl walks the red carpet without their mans. You're going too. Mr and Mrs Brown" he said and snapped his fingers.

Turns out Max and Lee had already met each other.  He's the same Max who was present the same day Dove had a panic attack at the  coffee shop. Max was actually on one of his many vacations and he started helping out the lady who ran the coffee shop.

It really is a small world.

"But hey , what if the Thompsons notice you? What then ?" Asked Adam.

"No need to worry about that at all. They'll  surely notice us but they won't do anything about it." Answered  Michael.

"What do you mean  by that?" Asked Lee. "They won't do anything  about it because they are seeking new  alliances as well as  a new reputation so they wouldn't attempt  anything to out everything  they've been working for on the line. The worst they  can do I keep Dove away from us."  I explained to them and just then Milan started fidgeting in my arms.

"You miss Dove don't you" I asked him looking at his frown on his face.  He was uttering so many baby words "ma-a-ma"  he said and everyone looked at him.

"Don't worry baby  , mama  will be  putting you to  bed soon enough" said my mom looking at Milan with tears in her eyes.

I honestly can't believe his first word was 'mama'.

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