30.Wielder of the Flame

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"What have you done?" Crosshair questioned after recovering from almost drowning inside of a room with Omega and AZI. He glared into Hunter's visor.

"The Empire opened fire on the city. We weren't gonna leave you behind." Hunter retorted, his voice wavering as he feared for Alona's life. There was no sign of her. He was beginning to think the worst, despite how much he hoped that was incorrect.

"We don't have time for this. We need to get topside before this entire structure submerges." Tech interrupted the two, shining his flashlight around the dark building.

"If you want to stay here and die, that's your call. But I need to find Alona before they..." He trailed off, shaking his head in fear to speak the haunting words into existence. Hunter brushed past Crosshair, leading the group through the destroyed building. Their only light source was the crappy flashlights they had in their backpacks.

Crosshair hesitated before following along with a grumpy expression plastered on his face.

They ran through the walls they had grown up surrounded by, avoiding the debris that had cluttered the ground. Hunter came to a screeching stop suddenly, his entire body frozen, focusing his flashlight on a trail of bloody handprints on the side of the wall. He heard the faintest whimper followed by a thud down the hall and he immediately knew who it was.

"What the hell?" Echo muttered, walking over to the bloody handprints. He held his flashlight close. "This blood isn't dry yet, someone-Hunter?" Echo turned around to see Hunter running faster than he ever had before.

"Alona!" Hunter shouted, causing the others to follow swiftly after him. He knelt down beside her shaking body. "Hey, look-" He froze, catching sight of her left arm. His stomach churned and he looked over his shoulder, urgently calling for Tech and Echo for help.

"Wielder of the flame-p-purpose in-in death." Alona mutters, pushing Hunter away and wincing at the pain in her body. Her breaths were shallow, panicked. Her eyes darted around aimlessly. "Str-st-stren-ngth ac-to act."

Tech and Echo land on their knees beside Hunter, assessing the situation. The three of them remove their helmets, revealing the same haunted expression. What the hell happened?

"Alona's left hand has been severed and she appears to be in some sort of disoriented state." Tech examines, reaching out slowly to grab onto her left elbow. He pulls the limb closer to him and Echo.

"It looks cauterized...like a lightsaber wound." Echo determines, staring at Alona's face. Hunter had pulled her into his armored chest to keep her upright.

"Allo-not allowed fl-to flourish-'' Alona continued, her bloody right hand cradling her ribcage while she writhed around disorientedly. Hunter tightens his grip around her, whispering quiet pleas for her to stay still.

"Tech, what is she rambling about?" Hunter asked, his heart pounding in his chest.

Tech's eyes darted around while he placed his hands against Alona's ribcage. She winced. "It appears she's reciting the Gray Jedi code...but not so perfectly." He lifted his hands from her ribs. "Alona seems to have a broken rib or two caused by the fall."

"We don't have time for this. Leave her here." Crosshair chimed, but was ignored by the three on the ground. Wrecker shoves him with his shoulder, then knelt down to comfort the terrified child.

Omega watches with glossy eyes as three of her brothers examine Alona, her heart racing. She fought against Wrecker's hold, but he wouldn't let her run over to the woman.

"Fall? What fall?" Hunter asked, placing a hand on her forehead to keep it still.

"Well obviously the fall from the starship to here. Look up." Tech replied, gesturing to the ship thousands of feet above the destroyed city.

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