47.I Dub Thee Jedi Knight

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"Hey, where are the kids?" Hunter asked, catching up to Alona as she continued running through the forest.

Alona exhaled, catching a glimpse of more flames burning down the Kashyyyk flora. "Surrounded by fire." She said casually, picking up her pace alongside Hunter to reach Omega and Gungi.

When she got close enough, Alona waved a hand across the bright orange flames, extinguishing them to find the two children that had evidently just faced a trandoshan.

The other clones and Wookiees quickly found their way over after winning the battle.

Alona walked up to Gungi, smiling down at him. She could tell he had fought long and hard to save his planet, his people. And he had done it well.

"Gungi, I think your service as a padawan has gone on long enough." She declared, noticing the padawan braid he still wore. She knew his Master had passed at the time the order was given.

Gungi made a confused sound. Then he protested by saying that he still had more time to serve, and that there really was no point anymore since the Jedi were technically gone.

Alona shook her head. "I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, there are still quite a few Jedi out there. And even though I might not be one myself anymore, I am quite familiar with the knighting ceremony." She said suggestively, kneeling down to be eye level with the Jedi. "Gungi, I believe anyone who survived the ending of the Clone Wars has absolutely earned the right to be knighted. And it would be my honor to do it to you if that's what you want."

Gungi thought to himself for a few moments before slowly nodding a yes. Alona smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder. "Then let us return to your village and we will start the process."

Once back at the Wookiee village, the others busied themself with a feast provided by Yanna and told many stories and joked around.

Meanwhile Alona and Gungi had placed themselves close to a wroshyr tree and meditated. Gungi searched deeply for his future path, as all padawans were told to do before being knighted.

And once Gungi had found what he was looking for, he opened his eyes and declared that he was ready.

Alona stood up, pulling her lightsaber hilt off of her belt and igniting the blade.

Gungi bowed down and hung his braid onto his shoulder.

"Gungi, you have fought long and hard through your years as an apprentice. The Force has brought us together to acknowledge your bravery, your chivalry, and your passion. And by the will of the Force, I dub you a Jedi Knight." She declared, bringing her lightsaber to hover over the left shoulder and then the right soldier, lastly she severed the padawan braid.  "Wear your title well, you've earned it."

Gungi bowed his head and stood up, dropping all professionalism and wrapping Alona in a tight hug, thanking her greatly.

Alona was proud, seeing a young Jedi she had once brought to the ice caves to collect his first kyber crystal, and now declaring him a knight.

Omega had watched the whole thing, cheering from the deck as she descended the stairs with a bright smile on her face. "Good job, Gungi!"

Alona spotted Hunter leaning against the hut's door frame and she smiled, squinting through the sunbeam at him. She excused herself from the children, sliding her lightsaber onto her belt and heading over to her bandana wearing boyfriend.

"I've never seen a knighting ceremony before." Hunter hummed, crossing his arms over his armored chest. His eyes were soft as he watched her approach.

Alona shrugged, snaking her arm around his waist and resting her head against his teal and white painted shoulder plate. "I'd be more surprised if you had. The only one I've ever witnessed was my own."

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