► le croquet a mal tourné

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Months had passed from that emotional day in the bedroom. Marie's leg had healed to its full extent and so had her heart. Or all that it could. Marie wasn't sure she'd fully heal from the letter Bea left her, but she read it every night and then one by one held and examined the childhood memoirs which lay on Marie's bed stand. "I will never forget you," Marie whispered to the paper whilst tears trickled down her face. 

Benedict had visited her every day since the ball, bringing her new canvas' and paint. She even painted him once or twice. The day was a bright summer morning, hot sunlight seeping into the room from the broad windows which laced Marie's drawing room. Benedict wore simple white trousers and a baggy linen shirt which flapped around in the mild wind which wafted through the door. Marie thought he looked dashing. He though she looked beautiful. Marie had opened the door to him in a lacey blue dress with her hair all done up with flowers and his breath was stolen. She was the porcelain statue Galatea and he was her Pygmalion. He worshipped her. 

► Marie's hair 

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► Marie's hair 

► Marie's dress

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► Marie's dress

"You know you're going to get cramp from that," Marie laughed, the joyous sound ringing through the house. After hearing Bea's heart wrenching story about being left out for dead, Marie hired as many unemployed staff as possible. Three maids were hustling around preparing Marie's bed and her hair and her clothes, gossiping together with wide smiles. Marie could watch them all day with a big grin and not get tired. Cleaners and housekeepers of warm nature kept the house busy, always a pattering of feet heard in the house. The drawing room - however - was empty, the doors wide open letting in a cool wind. Marie saw maids watching the pair with broad grins and laughter. There wasn't a person in the Ton who wasn't in love with Benedict and Marie's story. "Hmm, I don't care," Benedict laughed, staying in the weird position he decided as Marie began painting. A few minutes later he was complaining of a pain in his left rib and then one in his foot and so on. "Okay get down you silly boy," Marie pushed him lightly, covering her mouth as she collapsed with laughter, her eyes trained on Benedict who had fallen onto the floor. "Clearly I'm just so strong," She said with obvious sarcasm. Benedict jumped up and chuckled, spinning her around in his arms. Her happy squeals were heard even in the kitchen.  

"My family are playing croquet today, care to join us?" Benedict asked with a smile, pulling on his coat as he already knew the answer. Marie looked at him with a happy face and grabbed her white lace parasol. "Oh Marie dear, how have you been? It seems Benedict's keeping you all to himself now-a-days," Violet said, embracing the girl and admiring the happy flush of the girls cheeks. "Oh I am Mother," Benedict said, grabbing Marie and pulling her away from Violet as the game was about to start. Violet laughed at the pair, waving at Marie as the pair ran to the beginning game of croquet. 

"Let us toss a coin," Anthony announced as Marie and Benedict skipped over. "You promised the youngest could go first last year," Eloise argued, pulling off her itchy gloves and placing them on the stone steps. "Marie! How lovely of you to join us," Daphne ran over, hugging her the girl tightly. "Save yourself while you can," She whispered in Marie's ear which made the French woman laugh. "We pick based on alphabetical order," Anthony continued, "That is the precedent". 

"It is meant to be a game, is it not?" A girl Marie had never met before whispered to the also-unknown girl next to her. "I'm sorry I have not introduced myself," Marie announced loudly, hoping it would stop Anthony and Eloise's bickering - which it did. "I'm Princess Marie Howard of France," Marie smiled, bowing her head slightly. The two beautiful girls looked at each other in panic before curtseying for a while. The Bridgerton's erupt into giggled at Marie's disgruntled face. "I apologise, was our curtseying not proper?" The assumedly- younger one asked. "Oh it was perfect," Marie assured. "I do not approve of one curtseying me, I fear it is unequal," Marie bowed her head again, the girls staring up at her in awe. "Marie is a friend of the families," Daphne explained. "Marie this is Edwina and Kate Sharma," She gestured to the girls, Marie nodding with a smile. "Lovely to meet you, shall we begin?" Marie asked turning to the pile of croquet sticks. Fighting erupted again. 

"Everyone, please now," Daphne calmed the arguing. "The only fair thing to do is let our invited guests choose their mallets and strike first," She said with the true grace of a Duchess. "You're getting the hang of this wife thing aren't you," Marie nudged Daphne who smiled happily. "Please, take your pick Miss Edwina," Anthony bowed, the younger girl stepping forward. "Anthony's going for her? I thought he would be more suited to the elder," Marie whispered to Daphne who stared at her strangely. "What? I can't voice my thoughts," She said with a chuckle. Edwina picked the blue bat and Kate picked the black which was apparently Anthony's. "Marie?" Benedict asked, offering her his hand as she stepped forward and picked out the orange bat. 

"Out of practise much, brother?" Benedict called, making Marie laugh as Anthony hit his ball far off target. "Does he need his special mallet?" Marie taunted, "The pink suits you better". After many laughs and giggles, the game was nearing an end. Marie sighed as she saw Benedict smash her orange ball into the woods. "You cheeky-" Marie looked up at Lady Danbury who raised her eyebrows expectantly and shut her mouth. Colin pat her consolingly on the shoulder before hitting Benedict's yellow ball out of the pitch as well. 

Marie and Benedict went after their balls as everyone continued playing, rummaging through the rhododendron bushes. "I must win against Anthony or I'll never hear the end of it," Benedict mumbled, sticking his head into a bush. "Well I see you're not competitive at all," Marie laughed, sticking her mallet out to move branches in her way. "I am not-" Benedict looked up, his face breaking out into a smile as he noticed Marie's funny smile. "Oh fuck," Benedict said as he opened the bushes to reveal the orange and yellow balls stuck in the centre of a pile of mud. "So, we're going in?" Marie asked, hiking up her dress and walking through the marsh in her bejewelled shoes. Benedict watched in astonishment as Marie looked to where she aimed, threw her mallet back and hit it onto the bank, looking up to Benedict. "Your turn Benny," She raised an eyebrow, smiling in humour as Benedict walked carefully into the mud. He hit his yellow ball and walked out, looking back to Marie with a look of confusion. "I'm stuck, I can't get out," Marie whined making Benedict stare and laugh at her. "You are the most peculiar woman I've ever met," He announced, grabbing Marie's outstretched hands. "The two attempted to get Marie's feet unstuck, the girl squealing in pain as he tried to pull her arm. "Do you want my help or not?" Benedict asked between gasping wheezes. He was finding this way too amusing for his own good. The two lost their balance as he tried to lift Marie out of the mud, both of them landing together in the thick dirt behind them. 

They stared at each other for a moment in compete silence before exploding in laughter. 

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇 𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒 | benedict bridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now