Mystery Friend and Jarryd Holiday

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It was a long day working and finding that the lavender bottles did not have a trace of thallium. Now she with nothing to do and the moon fully out. With reading many of the local information, a mention of a swimming pool or hot spring. Having trails go cold in their pursuit in the investigation. The walking track is almost black with only the red glow of her eyes lighting anything in a deep ruby as they gleam back as those precious stones or the darkness allows the shadows become monsters of the night. Terrie fire combust with crackles scorching the clay inside. Rocks and roosts smooth over time made the path treacherous. With a wide bend the tops of the trees pull back showing pinprick dots of white. Comforting as creeping light behind a close door. The water sparkle silver and a splash of a fish can be herd. Terrie cloth in a bath suit. A whole day soaking at the bottom of the hot-spring. Warmth of the water sings to her life fire.

Frist signs of the sun coming up over the horizon is the soft shades to strong colour of pinks that can be found on roses. As it makes way to blue, the leaves on the trees go from black to green. Terrie Leans their head back onto a rock allowing everything submerge except for her face above water. Not far Terrie can hear heavy feet on the path and snapping of twigs. Someone must be doing their morning exercise as it too early for even most enthusiastic picnic-ter. Waiting for them to come closer as most of everything still not expose to the sun and shadows still cling to trees. Footfalls came closer and closer. Terrie eyes watch the path waiting to find who was going to appear. The noise stops and everything has become still with only the breeze making any sound as it travels among the trees. Where the walking has stop should be where Terrie should be able to seem them and yet no-one has appeared where some should be. At the corner of her eyes there is movement only to stop when she faces towards it. Again, her fire combusts as if raw wood with sap will burst when too hot. Terrie cannot follow and feeling like prey she moves deep into the water keeping her movements, sinking to the bottom. As spaces inside of her fill up with water. The top of the water is like hundreds of small mirrors twisted just as the mirror maze, disorientating the outside world. A figure loom over her in a green and grey blur. They pull back away from the edge of the spring only showing their head and shoulders. Allowing her distances to come up and not into her space. She comes up seeing a person completely made of wood. Leaves making what looks like hair, ferns and moss growing up on their limbs. A nymph stands on the back.

"Hello. Who are you?" Voice creak as dry wooden floors came from the nymph.

Terrie pushes her-self closer to the edge. Her knowledge on fey is vast having come across them in wars and befriend some in her time. Nymphs are rare in sighting and scarce in interaction with them. There is very little information about these people. Many theorise that they move through trees to cross large distances. Myths of them able to place a living thing in a tree, extending a creature's life though it won't stop them from growing old. That they can appear as trees when they choose to hid from others. They were the most mysterious people of the fey world.

"I am Terrie Cotta. What is your name?" Giving a polite smile.

The nymph made their way to one of the large rocks, perfect for dipping legs in and not to get dirt on clothing wits drack grey surfaces that flat and smooth enough to be comfortable. They place their legs in the water and slow rise and fall with the current.

"My name Osmosis." Hesitating just a bit Osmosis ask quietly that she could almost not hear it. "Are you a golem?"

Terrie fiery eyes blink, "Yes, I am a golem."

"If you don't mind how old are you?"

Terrie Cotta give a slight grin to her lips as many tend to ask her this question about month knowing her, "I am one thousand two hundred and twenty-one years old."

Terrie Cotta Tea with DeathWhere stories live. Discover now