Loaning Your Love [23]

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His mother was unnervingly calm with a small smile prevalent on her face. She looked from her husband to her son, who was seated in the waiting room, her son was there watching blankly at the argument unfolding in front of him. "Please doctor, there is something wrong with my son! When he was born he didn't cry, whenever he gets injured he shows zero signs of pain on his face and in comparison to other children he doesn't experience any kind of emotion! That's not normal at all! How many times do I need to come here with my son, till you people actually do something to fix him!" Jokichi says, he notices the way his father taps his foot against the floor, clearly getting more furious.

His father wore black khaki pants, alongside a dark grey suit with a blue and white striped tie, he continued to argue with the doctor but it was quite clear they weren't getting anywhere in their conversation. People started to look their way, watching as if they were some carnival attraction and his mother just stood there, she was unnervingly calm with a small smile prevalent on her face.

Children tend to dislike loud noises and adults they are supposed to look up to argue, but he was different, he is an Aishi.

His face showed no emotion and his eyes were as empty as his expression.

He stared at the two men, one being his father still arguing and it seemed that he wasn't planning on stopping anytime soon. His mother walked over, she knelt down and placed her hands on either side of his shoulders, her hand trailed down landing in his. She gave him a warm smile, blinking back at him with a sparkle in her eyes, she tilted her head, in the direction off another seating area.

He doesn't speak, he just nods at her.

Every object he passed were taller than him, he was young child at the time, walking down the busy hallway of a hospital, as doctors went to and fro, he heard children crying and screaming since they didn't want an injection. Others, used colouring books and messily covered it in while their parents sighed in relief that there child was finally distracted. He wasn't like the other children and that's all he knew, he felt like an outcast deep down but it didn't stop him from observing their faces, he learnt smiling is linked to happiness, crying is sadness and anger is different for everyone.

A poster catches his eyes, he looks up at it, Ackademi high, a school he's heard his parents went to, where his mother met her true love. By watching his parents behaviour, he's noticed how his mother liked to keep things to herself and so did his father, his father would rather confide in alcohol than his mother. His father is a complete mess of a man, he's been crushed mentally and he believes it's because his father thinks he can't fix his son. His eyes look empty and he looks at his son with a sad smile, he notices the way his father shivers when his mother places a hand on him. He can't help but pity his father.

Your supposed to look up to your father, not look down on them.

He often noticed them arguing, he always observed and watched, keeping out of sight.

His father called his mother all kinds of words in a fit of rage, but froze when his mother sent him a smile. He could see the fear in his eyes as silence was spread throughout the house, his father's eyes widened in fear and he could hear sobs erupt out of his mouth. He would fall to the floor grabbing her light purple apron, begging for her forgiveness as his tears landed on her apron like blood splatters, while wrapping his arms around her waist.

"I'm sorry- I'm so sorry! Please forgive me Ryoba!" His father begged through sobs, clinging to her like some puppy, she simply stared down at him, listening to him beg and plead for her. For a second he saw a dark stare flash over his mother's face, but once he blinked it was gone. Her smile returned. "Oh, darling! This better not happen again, you do know what happens, right?" His mother giggled, combing her fingers through his ink coloured hair, she held his chin and she bent down, leaning closer to his ear.

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