Driving Her To Murder [24]

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Kokona feels anxious as she walks up the path to her school, the wind blows through her hair and her twin drills seem to momentarily float before hitting each side of her head. The world seemed to move slowly and for once she could hear her own thoughts over the waves crashing in her mind.

During times like this, she felt like a child.

Doing drama plays with her parents, playing the princess while her father played the king and her mother the queen. She had always dreamed of this school, she had been told she was always overly ambitious but her father always told her that, "It's good that my princess wants to reach for the stars, challenging yourself and striving for the best is the way to live."

Those were her favorite memories, her father would have sold his leg or anything in the world just to see her happy. They weren't the richest in the world but that didn't stop her father doing everything he could to get her into this school.

He puts himself in crippling debt to keep her at school, and it has always left a deep hole in her heart, knowing he's drowning in debt and they need the money. He lost his wife and he didn't want to lose her so he did everything for her, and she wants to return the favor.

Turns out dates with older men gets her cash and she receives a phone calls for dates in exchange for money. She was forced to push her childish dreams aside and instead she gets roped into something she's deeply ashamed of.

Shackles are chained to her, yet they are invisible to others but are as clear as day to her.

She hasn't told Y/n, Y/n was born on more of the luckier side of the spectrum and she knows she'd work her butt off just to help her. So, she decides not to tell her but Y/n is still so giving despite her being so oblivious to her struggles, she often buys her food and goes to arcades with her.

After all, being with Y/n makes her feel like a child again, since they met in middle school, maybe not under the best circumstances but it showed her that people can change.

Kokona cares that much about Y/n that she decided to tell Saki her biggest secret, purely because she was worried and scared for her best friend.

She had watched Ayato from afar and he always gave off such a suspicious vibe, so in order to protect her friends she made sure he didn't harm them.

Ayato has this colourful personality though, he had hobbies he, he helped people with tasks and when Y/n and him were friends he always made sure she was safe and asked if she was okay.

Maybe she ruined a friendship, that could have grown to be something deeper if she had simply let it bloom. It could off been jealousy, being too overprotective or maybe she felt threatened.

She felt overwhelmed with emotions but she continued heading to the roof, to the exact spot she received through text.

She felt like dropping dead right that second when she saw him.


She felt small in his presence, maybe this was a mistake, "Are you the person who told me to meet... You here?" She mumbled, but he somehow understood, his face had a soft expression but it also held a mysterious one, she couldn't pinpoint.

"Yes, I am." He confirms, nodding.

"I shouldn't really be near you...Sorry." She apologizes, turning to walk away till he said something that stops her dead in her tracks, "Ronshaku Loans." He says, Kokona turns to face him, her eyes are widened with a daunting look of horror spreading across her face, she had never mentioned that.

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