32 {Epilogue}

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"Uncle Max, watch out for the—"

"Who the fuck put that corner there?!"


"You could've warned me, Winnie!"

"What the hell do you think I was getting at when I said, 'Uncle Max, watch out for the—'"

"Would you two shut up and keep walking?" Dad cuts us off, walking past us with two large boxes stacked on top of each other, both labelled 'Books'. "Other people are trying to move into their dorms and you're blocking the hallway."

"See," I give Uncle Max a pointed look. "The old man's carrying Octavia's lifetime supply of books and he didn't run into the wall."

Uncle Max just huffs and keeps walking, Kamri's singular box of throw pillows in hand.

I just laugh and continue on after him, rolling my suitcases behind me.

After setting the things down in our respective dorm rooms, we go back down to the parking lot.

"Is that everything?" Aunt Megan asks, wiping some sweat off her forehead.

"Yeah," Octavia nods before looking at all of our parents. "Thanks for helping us move in."

"Yeah, thanks." I agree. "Now leave before someone starts crying."

"Too late." Uncle Dylan gestures over to Uncle Max, who is already tearing up.

"What?" The man in question sniffles, turning his head so none of us can see his face. "Who's crying?"

Kamri just shakes her head fondly before wrapping her arms around her father.

Everyone splits off to say goodbye to their respective parent/caregiver.

"I'm so proud of the both of you." Dad tells us, a soft grin on his face as Uncle Danny basically throws himself on his brother, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. We had said goodbye to Nana Tanya and Ben before we left for the college.

"We're so proud of you!" He corrects. Dad rolls his eyes but doesn't say anything.

"Thank you, dad, Uncle Danny." Octavia smiles.

We all stand in silence for a moment.

"Is that it?" I furrow my brows. "You're not gonna say anything else?"

Dad and Uncle Danny share a look before turning back to us.

"We love you. Don't die." Dad states bluntly.

"He means he'll facetime you two every week." Uncle Danny jabs an elbow into dad's rib cage, who promptly slaps the back of his head in retaliation.

"C'mere." Uncle Danny wraps us in a hug one at a time. "Stay safe. I love you."

Octavia moves onto dad as I stay hugging Uncle Danny a minute longer. He ruffles my hair and grins at me once we pull away.

I walk over to my father as Octavia steps away. I basically throw myself on him, hugging him tightly.

"Hey," He hums and I pull back slightly to look at him as he runs a hand through my now-short hair, pretending that I don't see his glassy eyes.

Octavia and I had made a bet that whoever got a lower mark on their exams, would chop their hair off. Stupid idea on my end seeing as I was basically destined to lose.  It worked out though, as I had been meaning to donate my hair for a while. My hair is now sitting at a long, shaggy pixie cut, which is almost a bob. And I happen to like it a lot.

The Boy with the Violet EyesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant