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[Chapter five]


"Octavia, grab the salad. Winnie, the garlic bread." Dad orders. "I'll get the lasagna."

Dad and Octavia grab their assigned food and walk out of the kitchen.

I quickly grab the box I bought earlier and mix the powder with butter and eggs, pouring the batter into a cake pan and sticking it in the oven.

Dad rushes into the kitchen a couple seconds later.

"I forgot the desert!" He whisper shouts. "How the hell did I—"

He cuts himself off when he sees me pointing to the oven.

I grin at him. "Betty Crocker Devil's Food cake."


"I knew you'd forget desert so I stopped at the supermarket before I came home."

He lets out a sigh of relief before coming over and kissing me on the head. "This is why I love you."

"I thought you were forced to love us." I tease.

He points a finger at me. "That too."

"Whatever you say, old man." I shake my head as I grab the garlic bread and make my way out of the kitchen.

"I'm only forty!" He whines behind me.

I just shake my head and laugh before I get to the dining table and place the garlic bread down, sitting next to Octavia who is sitting across from Braeden, Adonis across from me and next to his brother. Dad comes in and takes a seat at the head of the table, the chair at the other end empty.

We start eating and it's quiet for a while until I speak up. "So who wants to hear about the time Octavia almost had a sugar daddy?"

Dad chokes on a piece of garlic bread, Braeden stops chewing and looks at Octavia with furrowed eyebrows and Adonis keeps eating his lasagna like I didn't even say anything.

"She what?!" Dad yells.

"Wha—fuck you, Winnie! I didn't know what a sugar daddy was back then!" Octavia stutters. "Anyone want to hear about the time Winnie kissed a girl even though she's straight?"

"It was to prove a point to a small minded moron who thought gays would go to hell!" I defend myself. "What about that time you thought Freaky Freeman was cute?"

"Wait, Freaky Freeman?" Dad interrupts. "The kid who eats glue?"


"That was before I found out he ate glue!" Octavia exclaims. "How about that time you got shit-pissed drunk at a party and gave Freaky Freeman a lap dance?"

"She WHAT?!" Dad roars, but we ignore him. Braeden keeps looking between us and Adonis keeps eating, ignoring us.

"Like you said, I was wasted." I state. "What about when you tried to slide down the staircase when no one was home, but got stuck halfway down and just stayed there for two hours?"

"I came home and found you hanging upside down in a dress." Dad mutters. "I'm bloody glad you were wearing stockings."

Octavia huffs. "Remember that time you dragged Kamri, Lucas and I camping, but got us lost and caught in a storm, and we ended up being behind the university the whole time?"

I open my mouth but close it again with furrowed eyebrows. "That wasn't me. We're not even in uni yet. The four of us have never even gone camping by ourselves before."

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