Chapter 6

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Scarlett's pov
It was the next morning when I woke up...but I was in my bed. How'd I get here? Did Asher bring me here? How did he know where my room was? Why did I let him hug me? I hate it when people hug me. What is wrong with me? Am I changing? Why? Do I have feelings for this boy already? No. It can't be. Right?
I got up and everyone was still asleep. I checked the time and it was 06:34 am. It was Saturday and it was my first weekend at Assassins Den. There was less noise in the corridors. Maybe it was because everyone wanted to sleep in. I didn't want to though. I got ready and went to the training centre. Asher was there again but I wasn't mad or irritated, I was...happy? I walked up to him and he seemed happy to see me. "Hey there, gorgeous. Why are you here? I thought you'd sleep in," he said.
"I didn't want to. Did you take me to my room last night?"
"Yea, you're lighter than I thought."
"How'd you know where my dorm was?"
"I ran into your aunt and she led me to your room."
"Oh, well thank you."
"Anytime gorgeous."
He picked up the boxing gloves and the punching mitts. I wrapped my hand in the bandage and put on the boxing gloves. He put on the punching mitts and I started hitting them as hard as I could. "Woah there, easy now, you might hit me in the face." He said. "That doesn't sound too bad considering I already did that multiple times," I said. We sparred together for a while before someone suddenly called my name. I turned back and it was Aunt Tahlia. I ran to her as quickly as I could ripping the gloves off my hands. "Aunt Tahlia!" I screamed in excitement as I hugged her. I haven't been able to talk to her one on one since the first day of school. "Hey, mini-me. So I'm off today and I wanted to ask if you'd want to spend the day with me?"
"Obviously, I have so much to tell you and I need some advice."
"Ok then, finish up here and then meet me in my classroom. From there we'll go to my room where you can get comfortable."
"No need, I'll just come with you now."
"What about your little friend over there." I looked back and Asher and I made eye contact. Fuck why is he looking at me? Why is he looking in my eyes with his beautiful green eyes? Snap out of it Scar! I told myself. "Asher!" I called him.
"Yes, gorgeous?" Really? In front of Aunt Tahlia? What is wrong with him?
"I'm done for the day see you tonight or whatever."
"What am I supposed to do now?"
"How the hell am I supposed to know?"
"See you tonight I guess."
I looked back to Aunt Tahlia and she gave me this look I knew all too well. She was shipping us together. "Don't even. Just walk." She didn't say anything and just turned around and started walking with me right next to her.

We got to Aunt Tahlia's room and my jaw dropped to the floor. Her room was so much bigger than mine, and she lives alone. "Why is your room so much bigger than mine? You live alone, you don't need all this space." I told her. But as we were walking to the living room I saw my brother sitting on one of the couches.
"Daniel! What are you doing here?" I asked as I ran to hug him.
"Same reason as you, Aunt T wanted to spend the day with me, or with us at least", he said as he hugged me.
"Why haven't I seen you I school this week?"
"My classes and dorm room are on the other side of campus."
"Oh ok, anyway I'm glad to see you. Aunt T, I need serious advice" I said as I sat down on the same couch Daniel was sitting on. Aunt Tahlia sat on the couch across from us and crossed her legs. "Is this about your boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend? What boyfriend?" Daniel asked as he snapped his neck to look at me. "I don't have a boyfriend. Aunt T, stop starting shit." I said as I laid my head on Daniel's lap. I really needed comfort right now because I wasn't sure what I was feeling. I always lay with my head on Daniel's lap when I needed comfort and he knew what to do too. As Daniel played with my hair, I took in a deep breath to calm down my heart rate, which was faster than normal for some reason. "So he's just a friend that calls you gorgeous?"
"Yes, that's exactly it and he does it all the time...but I'm not sure I want him to stop. I kind of like it, and I get butterflies every time he does. And every time we make eye contact more butterflies appear. I don't know how to make them stop. It's only with him though."
"Little sis I think you have a crush. OH, MY DAYS MY HEARTLESS SISTER HAS A CRUSH!"
"Why would you think I'm heartless?"
"I don't know, you just never show a lot of emotions. I never thought you'd have a crush."
"I'm not heartless. I just don't like showing the emotions I feel, I don't want people to think they found a weak spot in me. Just because I don't show them doesn't mean I don't feel them."
"Oh. Sorry for the assumption."
"No need to say sorry. But I really need help. I've never felt this way before, I'm scared, what if it messes with my training and school work? What if I fail because of some stupid feelings?"
"You won't", Aunt T finally spoke. Daniel was still playing with my hair, easing my thoughts. He was a good brother. He was always there when I needed him.
"Because you don't lose. Will you let your emotions win?"
"What? No, of course not."
"See, look you don't have to do anything about your emotions, you don't need to stop liking him. You just have to not let it get in the way that's all. Assassins can have crushes you know, we are still human."
"Aunt T is right Scar", Daniel said, which caused me to look up at him. "Want to know a secret?"
"The fact that you have a secret and didn't tell me sooner is heartbreaking."
"I have a crush on this one girl in my class and that didn't throw me off track. I'm still the best in my class. How? I focus on one thing at a time; I can't really focus on my feelings while on a mission and focus on the mission at the same time. It's not like it completely goes away, I just forget about it for a while."
"That's actually smart, wow, I never thought I'd hear something smart coming from you."
"Of course I'm smart little sis, did you forget who our parents were?"
"Sometimes I forget you're my brother."
"But thanks for the advice. And thank you to you too Aunt T."
"Anytime mini-me. Now tell us more about Asher."
I started ranting about how Asher and I first met and it was nice, we joked and we laughed. It's been a while since we did this.

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