Chapter 8

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Scarlett's pov
"Fuck yea!" I exclaimed. "I got another bullseye. That's 3 in a row. Pay up motherfucker."
"How are you so good at everything, fighting, daggers, swords, guns and now archery as well?" Asher asked. We were in the training area where we mostly train with all sorts of weapons. I loved this place. It felt like heaven. I could let out all my anger in here.
Asher made a bet with me saying that I couldn't get three bullseyes in a row; and if I did, he'd give me a hundred bucks. I happily accepted it and got three bullseyes in a row.
"Why not, why be good at one thing when I can be good at anything and everything? What if one day I regret only practicing one specialty?"
"That's true, I haven't thought about it like that, I might need to up my game now."
"You've always needed to up your game."
"Whatever you say, gorgeous."
"Come on, pretty boy. We've got a lot of training to do today and I'm filled with energy!"

Asher's pov
"Come on, pretty boy. We've got a lot of training to do today and I'm filled with energy!" She called me pretty boy again. Why is my face heating up? Am I blushing? Can she see it? Quick, turn-around. I quickly turned my head and began breathing in slowly as she ran to the fighting wring and started to strap her hands and breast. Wait she straps her breasts? I never saw her do that. But why? "Hey, gorgeous, why do you strap your breasts?" I asked as I walked up to her.
"They get in the way of everything, I do it every time I train or go on missions with my parents. I just forgot to do it this morning when I left my room, that's why I'm doing it now."
"But I've never seen it until now."
"That's because I first strap my breast then I put on my bra and other shit but I can't really do that now can I?" She explains. As soon as she was done strapping, she got in the ring and started warming up. I followed her lead and also started stretching.

We fought for a while; it started getting dark outside so I suggested that we called it a day and relax for the evening, she agreed and we started packing all the equipment and weapons away.
Like the same as every other night since we started to get to know each other, we laid on the grass and talked for what felt like hours. I knew it was wrong of me but I kept looking at her lips, I wanted to kiss hers so bad, but she would've killed me. I have never had this kind of urge before in my life; I've never felt this way about a girl, no, no girl has made me felt this way. But you, Scarlett, you make me feel this way. Just one kiss, please, that's all I want. I started leaning closer...

Zade's POV
"Assassin's Den?" I asked. "Yes, I need you to spy on them, mainly this girl" the dean said as he showed a picture of a girl with short black hair that looked like it was cut into a skater mullet. She has a dark skin tone and dark eyes. She's beautiful. I thought to myself. Too bad she's going to die. "Why? What's so special about her?"
"She's the offspring of the Night Terrors."
"Be normal for once and just say daughter you weirdo. They're the people who killed your wife right?"
"Yes, they are. They killed someone I loved, so now I'm going to kill someone they love."
"You, or me? Cause it sounds like I'm going to be the one who has to kill her."
"Whatever, same difference. I want you to first get information on the girl, everything you can get, bring it to me."
"When exactly can I kill her cause I can do it in one move like right now."
"No you can't, she may look weak but she's not."
"How do you know?"
"Because if she's anything like her parents, she's as strong as they come, maybe even stronger than you."
"That's very unlikely, I'm the best in the academy and she's a scrawny little girl"
"She's only a year younger than you, don't be fooled by the fact that she's a girl."
"Whatever old man, can I go now?"
"Yes, leave"
She's not that weak huh? We'll see about that.

The next day I planned to go and spy on the girl but I could only spy from high grounds since security at that academy is crazy. I jumped from rooftop-to-rooftop, tree-to-tree trying to look for her and I couldn't find her, it was like she was invisible. It was getting dark outside when I was sitting in a tree, ready to head back when I finally saw her. She's tall, probably around five-nine. She had these clothing that looked like clothes you'd wear on a mission, she was walking into a different building so I couldn't see what she was doing so I decided to wait for her to come out, a few hours past and I finally saw her leave the building again but this time she wasn't alone, she was with another boy, he looked about 6 feet compared to her, he had dreadlocks and he was dark-skinned too. Is that her brother? What are they doing? They both just sat down on the grass and talked. I was too far away to hear what they were saying. From what I could see it looked like the boy kept staring at her lips, almost like he wanted to kiss her. After a while I noticed him moving closer to her and she noticed it too but didn't do anything. The next moment he kissed her and she kissed back. Asqueroso, no quiero ver esta mierda ahora mismo (Disgusting, I don't want to see this shit right now). I pulled out my phone to check the time, 23:46, shit it's getting late I need to go back. I silently climbed back down the tree and started walking back to the academy.

Scarlett's POV
What is he doing? Why is he moving closer? Is he going to kiss me? Should I move back? The thoughts were racing through my and the next thing I knew he kissed me and I kissed him back. As soon as I pulled back I noticed something in the corner of my eye, someone was watching us. "Don't look now but someone is watching us"
"Dammit, why now of all times?"
"Just track him down you go from that way and I'll go from the other way, catch him"
We got up and started sprinting in the direction he left and I think he heard one of our footsteps because he too started sprinting. Fuck he's fast, but not as fast as me. I started catching up to him, I was on his tail when I decided to catch him from the front so I ran to the left and circled around so that I was in front. He nearly ran past me when I grabbed him by his hoodie which caused him to fall flat on his back, in that same movement I quickly sat on him and grabbed him be the collar. Asher was nowhere to be found, he must've gotten lost we were surrounded by trees. "Hola, ¿puedes dejarme ahora? (Hi, can you get of me now?)" The boy asked. He had this longish black hair with these beautiful grey eyes and sexy hands. He's Spanish? He doesn't look Mexican...
"No hasta que me digas quién te envió. (Not until you tell me who sent you.)"
"¿Puedes hablar español? (You speak Spanish?)"
"Ese no es el punto ahora. (That's not the point right now.)"
"First of all, I won't tell you who sent me, secondly, you have a beautiful accent, you speak Spanish so well, but anyways I'll give you a hint on what I am going to do" He threw me off his body and jumped on me so that he was on top me of me. He held both my wrist above my head and whispered in my ear, "I'm going to kill you." He jumped up and started running away. I didn't bother running after him because I knew he'd be back again.
I went to find Asher and we walked back to the academy. "Did you catch him?" Asher asked. "Does it look like I caught him motherfucker?" I didn't want to tell him what he told me. "My bad, gorgeous." "Let's just go back, I need sleep and my legs hurt." In one swift movement Asher picked me up bridal style and just continued walking, I didn't complain, I wrapped my arms around his neck and started to fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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