The farm house

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"Azzy I really don't feel good..." Natasha tell me. God I brought her into this mess!

"I'll get you out of here soon Tasha I promise!" I honk she just fainted from the pain... god how the fuck am I supposed too get us out. We are chained like caged animals.

I start to get my consciousness back, and decide to try and find a way too escape. I look around until I hear gunshots... what the fuck is going on?

After a while I hear someone screaming

"WHERE THE FUCK IS MY WIFE?" Elijah... finally

He storms into he room, panic strikes him when he sees Natasha.

"What the fuck happened? Who did this too her?"

"Well who do you think Elijah?"

"You should really fucking watch your mouth! This is your fucking fault! If she doesn't wake up I will kill you myself!" And they say they don't love each other...

"If you ever try to convince me that you don't love her... I'll bring you back too this moment! She's not dead I promise she have been through worse, but... I'm sorry!"

"You better fucking be!" He says while getting those chains off of me. And then he hands me a gun.

Let the fun begin...

"Get her out I'll handle Marcus!" I tell Elijah, he's already halfway out the door. Carrying Tasha bridal style.

Natasha is the best spy who's ever walked this earth, she was kind off forced too marry Elijah. But they fell in love, none of them wants too admit it but they really do love each other!

Now let's get the fuck out of this hell hole... but first, kill Marcus and his companions.
I get back and is attacked by Noah hugging me like crazy hard.

"Hello my love"

"Thank god you're alive Angel!" He was genuinely scared for my safety.

"Are you covered in blood? Is it yours?" He asks

"Yes I'm covered in blood and some is mine but most is not..." I say smiling, I had fun!

"Oh... ehm well... uh" he's speechless

"I'm gonna get a shower! Where is Tasha and Elijah?" They are not in my apartment...

"Elijah insisted on taking Tasha to the hospital..." what? What the fuck... what did they'd o to her when I was knocked out?

"Well then I am going too!"

"No you are getting a shower and then resting! That is what you are doing!"

Oh he's bossy! Well alright then. I better he to that shower before he starts demanding a week of resting. Because I do not have time for that... I leave soon. I'm kind of scared... what if I don't come home with any medal. I'll be disappointing my inner child, I'll be disappointing myself.

While showering I continue to go over the program over and over again. There can be no wrong doings, my mind is just showing me the routine. I think it over and yes... change some parts. I don't like it, it's too much Harrison and nothing like me! I need it too be more me. I know that sounds delusional but it just feels so wrong.

And Harrison... when the Olympics is over I will kill him, and I will enjoy every second of it!

"Hey Noah I forgot a towel could you bring me one?" I yell out

"Say please!"

"What?" I answer

"You really need too practice on saying please..."

"Noah get me a goddam towel......... please!" And I emphasize the please!

"Here you go darling! I love your tattoos have I told you that?"

"A couple times... but I still like to hear it!" I say smiling and giving him a peck on the lips.

"Are you gonna tell me what happened?" He asks while slowly rubbing my arm up and down too calm my nerves

"Nothing new, nothing special, just uhhhh a normal kidnapping!" I walk out as I say that, getting fully stiff in my body.

"Lia please don't walk away when I talk too you! I am here too listen and someone you can talk too!"

"Noah I don't need too talk I need too, I uh I need too-" he cuts me off

"You need too rest, and vent, you are human only human,sometimes you Break and sometimes you fall apart a little and that is fine! But you are only human, let yourself rest and vent! Don't go all superhero and stuff it in until you can't anymore. I love you! And I need you so please just breath and rest" he almost cried while speaking, his eyes started watering from the first word!

I put my hands on his cheeks and start too cry a little with him

"Yes.. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I will stay here and just be with you! I love you Noah, you are my family, my whole world... I love you!"

We just hug each other for a Long minute or two. And then we sit down and just talk, talk about what happened, about the future... our future.

"You know I never wanted kids... never, but I think I would want three girls and a big country house, with a farm, a black house and horses and cows and little chickens that we can pick our own eggs from. And a whole little shuttle for wine and near the lake so we can just walk too the bridge and jump in!" I tell him.

"Well I say two girls and one boy, and yes a farm house but white! And I want sheep's and also a big fireplace inside where we can just cuddle up in a big couch! And also a fireplace outside so we can grill after our weekly hikes." He says back

"Weekly hikes? No, you and the kids can goo as like a dad and children fun! I don't hike... sorry! But White House... no way! I can settle in the middle with dark wood, I want a whole like house ish for my training stuff, and training the kids in combat is a must! It is important especially since they will be related too me... and also both our dogs yeah how about a third..."

"Well we already have a farm how will one more dog hurt?" We both laugh a little, I lay snuggled into him on the couch with both marly and Sasha. This makes me feel safe and just at home.... I hope this little family never end!

Authors note:
Hello bitched I'm back! From the dead... kidding! Yes I might have been a wall for kinda a month but hey... I'm back!

Please like and comment, I loooooooove too hear your thoughts!

Word count: 1120

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