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she is actually helping me! I've never felt such relief and happiness at the same time. I might actually have a shot in finding her and keeping her in my life. I just need to okay my cards right and not do some stupid shit like this again.

I would never do that again, if it was today I would never. But it's not so there's nothing I can do about the decisions I've made. But I can start new and fresh and just get to know the real her, with truth and honesty. And she can get to know the real me with truth and honesty.

I need her in my life to be happy and I know that she has gone if the rails and is on some fucking killing spree but that's not her. She refuse too admit it but she's a person who smiles and will never admit to loving hugs but she dies love them. She's just been neglected of them. She wants a family even though she's scared she will be just like her parents. Which she won't, she's the best mother to Nathan a child could ask for! She would do anything for him or any other person she loves. And I can't wait to just be with her again! If she lets me...

Adonis walk into the room

"Let's go for a ride" we'll that's how they all die in the movies...

"I'm not goin to hurt you I value life too much for that. Get in the car" and that I do

We drive in utter silence the whole ride... more awkward then the first one. And I thought that was impossible.

We're at a grave yard.

Looks more and more like death to me

Maybe he hired someone to kill me because he's too loyal to do it himself?

Until I see the stone... Nathan Black... loved son and friend.... Is that.... My Nathan? Our Nathan? The Nathan?

"I don't understand? Nathan Black? That's- that's- That. Is. Not. That. Nathan. Right?"
He stares... it is, it is him!

"He got killed when the Irish mafia tried to kill Angie"








"How is she?"

"She's fine"

"No she's not! She just says she is, how is she?"
He takes a deep breath, thinking over what to say.

"She's The Queen of Hearts" that summarized how she's doing pretty well actually.
I'm crying a bit, I mean how can I not! Nathan was one of the best things to happen in both my life and Lia's. He was so kind and shy but still outgoing with me and her. And we had sin much fun, he felt like family... he was family!

Me and Isla discussed how to get me to her without her killing us both and then resuscitating us to burn us alive and then again and again and again. It was hard but we can either just be open and she can drive us there and just accept our fate. Or she'll just tell me where it is and I will risk being killed on my own.

No but we're just goin to go to where ever she is. Isla won't tell me yet so I'm kinda in the dark about her exact whereabouts. But something tells me that Isla doesn't know either.

"When did you talk to her last?" I ask

"What? Off uhh yesterday" I glare at her while she's pretending to work on something.

"A week ago?" She keeps looking down

"A month ago?" Not moving a beat

" three months ago?" Her breathing is getting heavier. So I'm close

"Six months?" She meets my eyes

"Something like that..."

"And you can't just call her because?"
She reacted strongly to that question for some reason.

"We're not really talking..."

"So your working on strategy to meet your friend? What happened? Why are you fighting?" She looks surprised that I figured it out.

"Well I joined an alliance with the Irish and With the Albanian..."


"The Irish killed Nathan, the Albanian was in on the whole uhm mitchko thing..." WHAT?!?

"Wait! Did you get with them after they killed Nathan?"

"No....... But I knew that they were planning an attack on her... and said nothing..." what the fuck!

"You mean that she spent all her time and energy on her and what you just stab her in the back like that? And especially that you betrayed both Lia and Natasha!"

"YOU! Are no one to talk to me about stabbing in the back and betrayal!"

"No maybe not! But that's low... lower than anything I would ever do! And you don't want to leave because she will make an counter attack while you are gone! You are using me! Because you know she won't hurt anyone here if I'm here aren't you?" She swallows and takes a pause before answering


"And she knows that I'm here? And that you are 'helping' me doesn't she?"


I walk out, I look at Adonis and he understands exactly what I want. I need to know where the fuck she is, how much has happened since I left? How is she? I have no idea! The only thing I'm sure off is that she quit figure skating.

I also just need to give her a hug, just to hold her and let the world just stop for a second. It's all I can think of!

But I have no idea where she lives or if she even have a residence or if she's constantly moving. I mean when I've followed her in the news she's been everywhere at the same fucking time. So this might take a while, but I really don't have that kind of time.

"Adonis, I know that you work for her but please, please I need to get to her! To find her! Who does she have? Is she all alone? I need to know at least that!" He looks at me with the same blank expression.

And as I'm ready to just walk away accepting the fact that he won't tell me.

"Johnny" what? I turn around to face him.

"Johnnys a father and he's settled down, but she has him!" What?

"Johnny has a child?"

"Yes, Angie's the god mother" oh, but she hates children.

"She likes this child" can he read thoughts?

"No but you think with you face" how- no I won't even!

"Is she happy?"

"Depends on who you ask. She would say 'I don't have time for that I have things to do' and I would say No" sounds like her!

"Can you get me there?"
There's his stare again, I really don't know how to read his face.

"Get in the car" is all he says.

If I die, tell my mom and Mia and we'll obviously Lia that I love them!

Authors note:
She doesn't have many people does she! But hey sometimes a small circle of friends is better!

Word count: 1173

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