I Hate You

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Chapter 6

When Liam finally got out from the basement, walking down the hallway carrying the doll that he picked.

" You! " Someone yelled Liam turned around to see a single maid, " you better come with me brat the grand duke is looking for you "

He scoffed, he ignored the maid and continued where he was going.

The maid was surprised, but that made her even more mad, she stamped all way and grabbed Liam's shoulder.

He halted his movement and his gaze looked coldly at the hand and her face, he really hate when someone force him or touches him.

" Let go... "  Liam warned but the maid didn't listen but pulled him, Liam doesn't barge even a slight force.

Liam slapped the maids hand, that made her hand swollen, he finally turned around looking face to face at the maid while he grabbed a hand towel from his pocket and wipe his hand and shoulder.

" You act like your my master, how interesting... Despite living in a very lowly life, seeing everyone treated me as if I'm a somewhat garbage, that doesn't change the fact that I'm the second child of this mansion. " He threw his hand towel at the maid's face, he grinned warmly.

" I hate people like you. And if you dare cross another line... ' he lightly put his thumb at his neck and slide it across the other side of his throat as he pointed it at the maid.

" I won't hesitate to kill you, even if you have a family. ' he turned around leaving the maid to fall down from the floor, she was terrified at the sight of Liam. what made the young master act like that.

She can't stop shaking her hand. As Liam halted his movement and turned around, " and if the duke found out what happened. I'll kill you "

He finally left.

As the maid whispered in a nod, " ye-yes young master... "

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He arrived at his dirty room, as he roll up his sleeves and started cleaning the room, Eirwen was looking at him in the far distance, " you... Clean like a maid? "

" Yes, this room is not half bad as the room that I cleaned in my past life. " He responded as he brushes his couch.

" You mean that abandoned house in the forest? "  Eirwen tilted his head as he looked at Liam as he tidy things up.

" Yes, you see that bathroom filled with maggots and worms "

Please don't remind me that part of the memory-... "  Eirwen felt disgusted seeing him clean that dirty tub filled with worms.

" But at least it was very satisfying to see it clean up... "

" But wasn't your parents asked you that? Aren't you mad at them? ' Liam shakes his head, " no, "

" Why? "  Eirwen felt like he wanted to ask him that because he was confused what Liam was thinking... Is he mad? Angry at his parents... Did he hold some grudge in his heart?

" Actually I am a little mad at them for not honestly telling me how dirty the house was, but I might know why my parents ask me to clean that house without telling me how dirty it was... "  Liam sighed as he pat the dust off the coach. " It was my punishment ... "

" Your punishment? What do you mean? "  Eirwen raise his brows, crossing his arms at his chest.

" I was blinded Because of my arrogance, I lived filled with the richness of my parents , spoiled by their love that I thought that I'm a very lucky child born in that kind of family... One day that I was still 12 years old someone spilled their drink at me and not to mention they are a beggar, clothes that are torn and very dirty. I was disgusted so I pushed him away and demanded money so that I could buy something to wear even though I had the money I needed, I still demand him to pay. He didn't have any last coin because he already buy it with food so he could eat. Do you know what I did? " Liam asked Eirwen as he stopped scrubbing the couch.

Eirwen just shakes off his head, and Liam continued," I beat him up... And leave him in the streets, yes I know that I was wrong at that time. I was indeed blind and I can't differentiate the situation of the poor and the rich, that's why my mom asked me to clean that house and make me realize something. She also give me the unknown number, I asked her what this was but she didn't respond. And just told me to call it when I'm done cleaning the entire house. '  he explained as Eirwen just kept on listening.

" After I clean everything I did what my mother asked me to do and call that number. And minutes later after that, the guy that I beat up in the streets was standing in front of me. We are both confuse at the same time... Probably my mother arrange everything and make him live in this house that I shed blood and sweat cleaning the entire time, I immediately bowed my head and apologize at the man... "

" He just smiled and patted my head, he told me that he already forgiven me after he sees my mother and explained everything. I was relieved and happy at the same time as i showed him inside telling him everything "

"  I come up with 2 things... You should humble yourself even if you already have everything, and don't always keep your heads up remember to look down and understand what's beneath you, Because if you keep being shameless and overbearing, you will be the only person who will regret what you've done in the future. And that will always stay in your heart and will forever haunt you"

Liam sadly smiled, he knew that it will always stayed in his heart. Because of his arrogance people suffered a lot because of it.

" But now... Your different aren't you happy? ' Eirwen says out as Liam gaze at Eirwen as his foggy face form a smile.

" You are now kind... You may sound blunt and cold but I know that you are now accepting your mistakes and learn from the past, and you develop it. That's why people loves you because you helped them. " 

Liam can't help but felt warm, yes... But still that memory will always remain, and will always remind him to keep himself humble.

Because in the rich society, you will find no one to trust because their hearts were filled with greediness and contempt... Meanwhile to the poor, they are filled with warmth inside their hearts even if they suffered depressive poverty they always smiled, and they always remain rich deep inside their soul and heart.

" Thank you "  he smiled at eirwen, as he continued cleaning up the room. Trying to ignore his breaking and sobbing heart.

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A Musician Been Reincarnated as one of the villains ( remake) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin