Just Get Away From Me!

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Chapter 11

Liam was just minding his own business until lory said" young master, it's time for your school. "

He halted his movement of grabbing a single book, he found on the book shelves, as his head quickly look at lory,"what?..."

" Your such a fun boomer... " Liam scoffed angrily.

Few days ago, Liam observed this two maids that was suddenly appeared out of nowhere, The family was also surprised seeing them here.

Not to mention, That snake is scared going inside my room now. She always asked to meet Liam personally, but lily and lory stopped her and telling her that he was busy with studies.

Liam also visits Dion every night to play with him, it was very fun playing with an cute little angel.

Now in present, Liam was unexpectedly sitting on the carriage. He gazes outside the window.

Saying that this will his first time leaving the mansion ever since he got out.

Indeed, no one was there escorting him. No guards, lily and lory wanted to come because Liam have to stay there for almost one week. He has a personal room there, so it was fine.

But what's so funny is that, everyone in that school is afraid of him not only afraid but mad at him... It's not because he has a bad reputation for his family, but because Eirwen has an attitude where he could snapped his anger at someone.

It's uncontrollable sickness, So he can't blame Eirwen because he has that too. If only someone messes with him.

Liam crosses his arms, as his eyes averted to the busy streets.

People are really different in the old era rather than the present era.

Old Era is where people enjoy their own surroundings, spend their time with their families and friends. Play tag with them with a beaming smile plastered in their faces.

He really likes seeing people in the town because no matter how poor they are, they still smile and laugh.

In Liam's present era, they barely spend each other's time. Because of the technologies people developed an attitude from it, instead of playing with toys and dolls they instead hold phones and computers. If their parents take it away from them, they always argue with their parents just because they want to have their phone back.

Not to mention, parents are also addicted with phones especially social media. They barely communicates with their children and family.

It's not that he judges them, but they should spend it with the correct amount of time, not all day staring at the phone.

" So, is my days in school going to be hell? " Liam asked Eirwen who was sitting beside him all the time. Eirwen just sighed out,"probably... If you happened to avoid most of my enemies... It's really not my intention to become their enemies, you know. They just keep on teasing and mocking me that I can't help but slap their faces. "

Yes, Liam can understand that. If he summarizes the story, to be precise there's few of the red flags living in that school. Not to mention the female lead Regina is living there too.

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