A Bride On A Motorcycle

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Amidst the bustling streets, one could observe the ceaseless movement of individuals as they went about their daily activities. From shops to restaurants, hotels to companies, each one was bustling with activity. The vibrant hues of blooming flower trees added a touch of color to the city's landscape while towering story buildings and skyscrapers added to its aesthetic allure.

This city was a melting pot of trades and people, offering a plethora of opportunities and businesses to explore. However, despite the bustling atmosphere, security remained tight, owing to the presence of a certain individual. Even for the affluent families, peace was not always guaranteed.

At the heart of the city stood a magnificent church, designed in the elegant Greek style. Its tall, formidable walls were adorned with spear grass and flowers, while the ancient Greek-style paving on the ground added to its grandeur.

The church premises were abuzz with people and news reporters, all eager to witness what seemed to be a momentous occasion. As a young woman in a white wedding dress confidently walked out of the church, all eyes were on her. And yet, what captured their attention even more was her choice of transportation - a black motorcycle.

As the bride sat on her motorcycle, ready to start her journey, a soft tugging at her wedding gown caught her attention. She turned to her right, only to find herself face to face with a young boy, no more than four or five years old. His innocent, baby-blue eyes stared up at her as he spoke in a soft voice.

"Hello pretty lady," he said, his voice filled with curiosity.

Smiling warmly at the little fella, she asked, "Hi sweetie, can I be of any assistance to you?"

The boy's eyes lit up at her question, and he replied with a grateful gleam in his eyes, "Thank you, but I was just wondering who the beautiful bride on the motorcycle is." he thought secretly.

"Yes ....I just need a ride home, I got missing in the middle of the crowd when I came to pray with the nanny at the church", the little fella said with pouted lips.

"The place was so crowded that I got missing without noticing and I've been standing here for almost the whole day" he added with a pout again. If you asked the bride she would say that the little guy was too mischievous for his good.

"So are you going to give this big man a ride home or not...?" the little fella asked raising his tiny eyebrows while tilting his head to one side which earned him a giggle from the lady on the motorcycle.

"I will be happy to drop you off big man but only if you can provide me with your address because I can't do that without an address right....?" she replied and asked at the same time.

"You have no problem when it comes to the address pretty," he replied with a wide grin on his cute face before being lifted off the ground onto the motorcycle by the young lady.

She proceeded to put on the smaller helmet for the little bundle of joy but what he said next made her hands which were holding the helmet halt midair.

"I saw what that man did to you at the alter, he doesn't deserve you at all, he doesn't even know how to treat a lady properly. If I were his parents I wouldn't hesitate to disown him right there and then," he said in one breath.

"He's very dum," the little fella continued shaking his head like a disappointed parent which made the bride giggle in amusement.

"Why would you disown him for rejecting a bride...? " she inquired with interest in her tone.

"Because he's not a real man, real men don't do that " he replied snotting at the end which earned him a chuckle from the beautiful bride.

"Fair answer " she replied while assisting him with the wearing of the helmet. A few seconds later the motorcycle roared into action zapping through the city with vigor.

On The Other Side Of The City ;

In a beautiful, warm, and spacious sitting room were six young men in black who were looking down and shivering in fear, the tension in the room was so much that even the warmth in the sitting room was fading away and being replaced by coldness.

"What do you mean you couldn't find my son....?" a young man around the age of twenty-six or twenty-seven asked the six other men in his presence in a calm but cold tone.

"He went missing for more than five hours and you're here saying you couldn't find him....?" he proceeded to ask in the same tone, his glare hardening, sending chills of terrors down their spines.

"If I don't see my son in the next thirty minutes... this city wouldn't be able to contain all of us, do I make myself clear.....?" the young man said in a calm but deadly tone which fomented his subordinates to shiver fear.

They could only nod their heads in submission. They wondered why the little guy insisted on going to the church today of all days, he was so hard headed not allowing anyone to talk him out of his decision.

They've been working for him for so many years but it seems they don't know him well enough, if they are not able to find his son then that means they're saying goodbye to their lives.

"Calm down dad, I don't think he'll stay out for long without you being able to find him, plus he's smart," a little fellow's voice spoke trying to calm the ragging and frustrated young father.

"And if you continue threatening them how would they focus on finding him...?" he asked looking at him accusingly, it's only this boy who have the guts to berate the young man while he is in rage or pissed with a situation.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to threaten anyone, I'm just scared of something bad happening to your brother", he replied softly while giving him an apologetic look at the same time letting out a sigh of frustration as he sat beside his son. Yeah and it's only him Who could make him apologize in this situation.

He was dying with worry, he didn't understand why his other son insisted on going to the church in the morning.

Even though he told him it would be crowded today. Sigh.., "that stubborn boy would be the death of ne," he thought to himself. The man sat there with his head in his hands, not knowing what to do about his son's disappearance.

He was worried and agitated about his missing child, not knowing nothing about his whereabouts fueled his worries, he would wait for a bit more and if his men fails to find his son then he would unleash his wrath on whoever had a hand in his disappearance.

His men were trembling under his cold stare, they knew their boss, he would never forgive them if the others who are out there fail to find the young fella, everyone of them were aware of how much he, there boss cherishes his two bundle of joy, he values them so much that even if a strand of hair goes missing from their heads then the person behind it would not even know what came for them.

Therefore they were praying for a miracle to happen, they don't know how but it has to and it must happen because if it doesn't then the father in the Heavens knows  what would happen to them.

Meanwhile, their boss's family still kept tight lips, not uttering a word to calm their son had grandson fully aware that he would not listen to them even if they were to knell and bow millions of them and, his anger might only flare up so they decided to let sleeping dogs lie.

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