12. I can't do this to you

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I send B the video of pedri eating a banana.

Google, how do I become a banana ?

💀💀💀 girl please- Where's the self respect



it's been 10 days
since yk who came to the café

Makes you sad ?

Makes me hate him
That mf
He neck kissed me
And now is acting dead

Maybe he died
Like a car accident
Or smth

Bitch don't make me scared
Stfu fr
You're making me feel anxious now  f fuck off
I'm going to work

Bruh you finally understood it's time to go ? You're going to be late at work
Why isn't your boss firing you smh

You bitch
Be on my side for once
Are you my mom

Nope but you can call me mommy-

I. Am. Gonna. Block. You.


I got out of the bus and have been walking towards the café for a few minutes now.

I could see my work place from afar.

When I was about to go in the café, someone got out with an order I oh so knew well.

My masked guy.

He didn't see me, or did as if he didn't. But I hadn't seen him in 10 days. A courage came out of me from god knows where and I called out to him.

"Hey !"

He turned around at my call.

"Hi, how are you ?" He asked.

"I'm... fine ??"

'Hi how are you ?' Is that what you say to a girl you kissed the neck to after spending the day in a library with her ? WAS THAT NOTHING TO YOU ?!

"I didn't see you ever since that day. The weather isn't as cold as before but you still dress up as if it was."

"Haha, yeah... I get cold so easely."

"Yeah. Wow, I didn't see you in so long, it's almost like you are ghosting me !"


He didn't say no.

You bastard ???

I don't know why. But I felt so angry that I let out everything on my chest. Which I don't usually do.

"You should never have kissed me if it's to act in such a fucking annoying way. I already almost hate you because you never even bothered to show me your face after our talk in the library and kissing me, if I have to remind you."

I got closer to him.

"YOU told me to close my eyes. And then talked about a girl you liked. Asked all of these questions that you can't ask to just anyone. Then kissed my neck, my jaw, my collarbone and that until the bus came."

"So fucking tell if that was nothing. We will forget about it. No need to be that annoying, got it !?"

He didn't answer. I waited. But he didn't give me an answer.

I let out a grunt and put my hand on the door to push it.

"Say something. Tell me if you didn't care, ok ? Just say it."

I opened the door. I told him to say it but truthfully, I didn't want to hear it.

He caught my hand.

"I cared."

The door closed back as he took my hand.

"I cared. But I regret."


That's even worse than not caring. I would rather hear him say he didn't care than hear he regrets what happened.


"...I regret because would you date a guy who will never show you his face ? You won't. Even if I want you, all I will do is hurt you. Being with me will end badly. I can't do this to you who made me happy for a moment. Leave me be. For your sake. I will make you cry."

He let go of my hand but did not leave.

"Is it because of your scars ?"


"Do you think I will leave you if I don't like what I see ?"

"I won't show you my face no matter what you say. Even if you promise me you will still like me, I won't show you my face."


What should I do ? I like him. I don't want to end this, us, like this.

"Can you swear on your life that you are not a serial killer ?"

"I assure you sweetheart, you don't want me to swear on my life. But I can assure you I am no serial killer."

I pondered for a few seconds.

This guy seems like trouble... guys like this are never a good sign.

But what can I do ? I like him.

When I like a guy. Red goes from the color of blood to the color of love.

"Do you want to date me ?"

"I told you, you don't want m-"

"Shut up and just answer me. Do you want to date me ? Do you like me ?"

"...yes. I like you."

"Then let's date. I don't promise you it can't end on a break up. Because we don't know anything about each other. But let's give this a chance, okay ?"

I want to be hopeful about us.

"...let's give us a chance." He said.

I don't know if he is happy or not. It's like he is more worried than happy.

I just can't understand this guy.

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