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One Year Later

Savannah watched the sunset from the windows of her spectacular home. The lighting was gorgeous and profound in the living room. She closed her eyes only for a moment to thank God for such a lovely day. When she attempted to turn around warm arms pulled her in a hug erupting a smile on her face.

"How is my beautiful wife?" Johnathan said whispering in her ear. "I'm good," she said. "Mrs. Maxwell, have I told you how much I love you ?" he teased. 

"Perhaps, you have said it about a hundred times today," Savannah turned around attempting to escape his hug playfully. 'Where do you think you are going?" Johnathan laughed wrapping his arms around her.

"Johnathan, I have to go prepare dinner and you are going out with my brothers and your brothers," she reminded him. "Not until you kiss me or else I will postpone it and spend the evening with you," he challenged.

Savannah's eyes widened and she kissed him gently on the lips. She needed him to go so she could relax one evening without him keeping her so close. 

"Wow, I'm wounded. You are trying to get rid of me" he teased as she slipped away and headed to the kitchen. They had been married six months now and Savannah knew her husband would stay in the honeymoon stage for a long time. He would not let her out of his sight so she was happy he was bonding with the boys for at least one night. 

"Honey, go get ready. I will have dinner ready soon," Savannah said taking out the ingredients. Johnathan never knew he could be so happy or what he was missing when life was without her. He cherished every moment they spent together. Every day he thanked God for the love of his life.

"You are going to have to do better than that if you want me to leave? I need a real kiss from my beautiful wife," he continued to tease.

Savannah glared at him. He walked briskly to her and kissed her passionately taking her breath away. 

"Happy now," Savannah said breathlessly. His blue eyes took her in and he grinned. 

"Johnathan Maxwell, you are something else," she said cutting up the vegetables. She smiled secretly knowing his love for her was intense and sweet. 

"I am going to get ready so I can quickly come back home," he announced. Savannah was happy God had blessed her with a husband who loved, cherished, and appreciated her so much.  She was excited for the next chapter in their lives and was anticipating what God would do for them.

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