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The information about Wendy continued.

- Separation Enchantment: This enchantment allows Wendy to separate Magic from a person or object. With the guidance of Irene's personality enchanted on her, Wendy is able to use this enchantment to temporarily remove Nebaru's Magic, in order to incapacitate him.

The Magicians opened their mouths in shock. Neutralize their magic, even temporarily?

It somewhat resembled a mana destruction tool, although it was clearly less local and superimposed on a certain person.

Eruhaben nodded contentedly. He wanted more and more to meet this dragon slayer to learn her magic. He wondered if she could neutralize the magic of the dragons. And it would be useful to meet her other comrades.

Mila thought about Dodori meeting magicians from another world so that he could learn something new.

- Deus Zero: Wendy is capable of casting this high-level enchantment, which allows her to negate Magic and other enchantments from people, and used it to negate the casting of Irene Belserion's own Deus Zero. In Irene's body, she also later proved herself to be able to, because of the vast difference in strength between her then-current form and original body, completely nullify Irene's personality from her body and put them back where they belonged.

None of the humans and even the elves could say anything. Seriously, this kid was absurdly strong!

Why does such a strong person even exist?

But the dragons were even more curious. They were getting more and more interesting with each spell and enchantment. And considering that the girl's strength is still growing, how strong will she be in the future?

- Personality Enchantment: This enchantment allows Wendy to augment a personality. Wendy uses this enchantment to temporarily transfer her own self into One's body, this becoming its host.


Absolutely everyone was stunned.

Transfer yourself into someone else's body and become its owner, albeit temporarily...

Bud had long since given up recording information for the Mercenary Guild archive, too stunned by everything he heard. He still felt like he was dreaming.

"Does this mean that Wendy is basically able to learn any spells with proper training?" Eruhaben asked with interest, looking at the Goddesses.

"Yes, that's right. If she is properly trained, she will really be able to learn almost any magic. Of course, there are some limitations, but they are not too big."

- Magic Enchantment: Wendy came up with this spell for Erza to allow her to cast Natsu and Gray's magic on her swords.

Exchange of Magic EnchantmentWendy came up with this spell that allowed her to borrow someone else's magic for a while.

She also invents magic herself... What kind of miracle child is she anyway?

- Dragon Slayer's Secret Art: Through the aid of Porlyusica, Wendy was able to learn two secret arts that her foster Dragon mother, Grandeeney, failed to teach to her.

"So her powerful dragon mother was called Grandina? What a great name!" The elves, as always delighted with the dragons, vied with each other.

The dragons also wondered why Grandina couldn't teach Wendy on her own. Something must have happened to her.

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