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The view was really amazing. It was breathtaking. However, few people could have remained completely calm in the situation in which Cale was. Seriously, doesn't it bother him at all that his train is flying at such a high altitude?

Isn't he worried that the magic might disappear and the train will fall down?

Seriously, why is this trash so calm?

But the dragons and elves liked Cale more and more. They were curious about this strange man. They were willing to bet that he was hiding many more secrets. Seriously, one demonstrated strength is already worth something.

They couldn't wait to find out what else he was hiding.

All the time that the trip lasted, Cale calmly read a book, periodically glancing at Wendy and Charlie to make sure they were comfortable. As the oldest, he had to be a responsible adult and keep an eye on the children. Although, technically speaking, it could be said that it was rather just these two who took him into custody.

At this point, Henituse thought seriously, trying to realize the possibility of such a concept.

It was realized with a creak.

And not only him. Everyone was surprised that such thoughts, in principle, came to this guy's head. Seriously, what is he even thinking about?

Tasha giggled merrily, noticing that Cale's ears turned red and a stoic face appeared as much as possible. She quickly came to the conclusion that it did not seem to her that her nephew and this boy were insanely similar.

"Ho..." Ron exhaled long, not missing the changes in the former ward's facial expressions. He really wanted to know why the puppy became so attached to these children so quickly. He clearly remembered that his capricious master did not want to contact anyone and did not let anyone near him. Even the Basen and Lily he kept at a distance.

So why did he get so easily attached to Wendy and Charlie, whom he met just two or three days ago? Yes, even he is ready to admit that these children are captivating with their sincerity and care, but still...

Why such affection from the previously cold and indifferent Cale?

The former butler did not understand this at all.

The whole Henituse family now looked at Kyle with pain and resentment, not understanding why this affection was turned to Wendy and Charlie, who, even though they saved him, were in essence absolute strangers to him.

"Why them and not us?" Derut whispers bitterly. Violan squeezes his hand as a sign of support, but her eyes are wet.

Basen and Lily have mixed feelings. On the one hand, they are very envious, because they wanted to get exactly the same affection from their older brother, but on the other hand, they are very glad that their brother is not alone. Cale was too good for their family. They just really want to see him again to apologize for everything.

But still, why did he let his real family go so easily? 


The Moirs shook their heads sadly, realizing that no one from the family had ever realized that Cal was terribly lonely and constantly sacrificed himself for their own good.

Unfortunately, no one realized that their child was not joking when he said that he had no family for a long time.

In the end, Cale decided to just not think about it. He himself could not believe that he was seriously thinking about the fact that he was sort of adopted by these children. 

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