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Hui Jie's POV:
    The workshop venue was nothing spectacular, just a box-shaped studio located along a narrow, secluded alley, so narrow the whole class had to walk through the alley because the bus was too wide.
    The interior of the studio was very modernized, with classy marble countertops, light bulbs dangling above each one. In the middle of the studio lay a wide, long counter, which I assumed was for demonstrations. Glossy wall-length windows covered a stretch of wall at the side, allowing an open view of the empty field outside. A small herb garden rested behind the building, giving the whole area a fresh, minty smell.
    We were greeted by a chef who was standing before the large center counter, which already had the ingredients needed for today's recipe laid on it.
    "Come in, come in," he chirped, "I believe your teacher has already assigned you your respective partners and counters, yes?"
    The class buzzed in agreement, before swiftly taking our places at our counters. I had to work with Lilith, of course. I sighed.
    "Good morning class! Today, we would learn how to make Tom Yum," the bubbly chef grinned from ear to ear.
    The demonstration began.
    His hand moved across the countertop, pointing out the ingredients and each of their uses. Acting quickly, I placed my phone up against a nearby vase, recording his movements for my reference later on. The chef began to scoop each of the spices into a large mortar, calling out the measurements needed for each of them as he moved his hand along so fluidly that it seemed like he had done this so many times the recipe was ingrained and flowing through his veins, like each scoop was a muscle reflex. He moved on to pound the herbs, and I stared in awe as I felt the vibration of each firm slam of the pestle in the mortar.
    In a matter of 15 minutes, he had a pot of tom yum soup bubbling on the stove, and everyone in the room was instantly bewitched by its aroma.
    "I hope you have taken note of each tip I provided," the chef said, his eyes twinkling.
    The class began to buzz. I looked around, and some of them looked nervous. Hah, losers. I smirked as I picked up my phone and began rewatching the recording I made. The chef smiled knowingly.
    "You may begin!" he announced.
    I plugged my headphones in and started to move, scooping up each of the spices into the mortar as the chef had instructed.
    "Hey, we were supposed to work together," Lilith said firmly, grabbing my arm.
    I shook her off and rolled my eyes. I continued to pound the herbs. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Lilith leaning on the counter with her arms crossed, obviously annoyed. I sighed and disconnected my headphones so Lilith could watch the recording as well. Then, I turned away.
    Minutes later, I felt Lilith tap my shoulder.
    "Do I squeeze the lime juice into the soup while simmering or when it's ready to serve?" she asked.
    I irritatedly grabbed the lime from her hands and continued the recipe from there, leaving her to watch from the side. I would much rather do this by myself, there was no need for Lilith's stupidity.
    Soon after, every pair served a bowl of their tom yum soup to the chef for a taste test. When he got to our bowl, his eyes widened.
    "This one's good! Whose is it?" he called.
    Lilith raised her hand, and I reluctantly followed suit.
    "Good job!" the chef applauded.
    Lilith beamed. My face remained stony.
    As we were about to leave, Lilith caught up to me again.
    "Why are you ignoring me?" she whined.
    I groaned and pushed her away before boarding the bus, heading to the very back to sit down.
    From the window, I saw Lilith stomp her foot, her eyes sparkling with tears. I sighed: When I thought about it, she didn't deserve this. Was I being melodramatic? Guilt bit and clung onto me painfully. I tried to shake it off, but it only slithered its way into my veins. Great, Now I feel bad. I frowned and looked out the window again. A bunch of girls was consoling Lilith.
    Yeah...maybe I had messed up.

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