15. Qingcang's Ultimate Decision

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This chapter's snippet:

Meilin felt her heart melt at Dongfang Qingcang's words.

Meilin felt her heart melt at Dongfang Qingcang's words

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Dear diary,

I've met a crazy man, or rather, a fairy who behaves like a cheesy romantic guy. I only know him for less than 24 hours. He seems to be head over heels for me and has agreed to marry me after I clarified that I wouldn't sleep with him in the same room when we're unmarried, even if it's for protection. But he just wants to protect me.

How long will this last, and what will become of our marriage before we get a divorce? At first, he was hesitant about marrying me. Still, he eventually agreed... That is more than any guy who wanted to be with me romantically, even though I had never had a boyfriend before.

I'm trying to figure out what he wants from me. He's not after inappropriate things, considering he's innocent-minded. He doesn't even know about sleeping around with a woman. Perhaps he became infatuated with me because he's never been with a woman before. YES! That's it! I'm just his first love, and I shouldn't take him too seriously. 

I'll let him be my bodyguard and husband, but I won't let him fall too deeply in love with me. I need to remind him that this marriage is only for our comfort and security. I won't make the same mistake again of wasting my life for a "maybe" type of guy and then getting screwed over by him marrying someone else.

Perhaps my marriage to Dongfang Qingcang is a way for me to heal from the trauma of Yichen. It might help me regain my self-worth and stop thinking about Yichen. It could also be a way for me to focus on doing the right thing and helping someone in need to return home.

I feel sorry for Qingcang being stuck here. He came to save me, but the portal closed soon after he arrived. I appreciate having him here; I feel safer with him than ever. Even our arguments are funny when I think about them, and they usually stem from his desire to protect me. He offered me protection so that I could help him go home. That's a fair win, to be honest.

I'll leave it up to fate to decide what happens next. I had let everything go before I met him inside that portal, and I'm curious to see where destiny will take me next.

Yours truly,



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