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We just got home from dinner and I'm leaning against the bathroom door as as Kendall washes off her make up.

"Wanna do a face mask?" She asks pulling open one of the drawers.

"Does it hurt?" I ask.

She quietly laughs, "No."

"Put this on," she hands me pink fluffy thing.

"What is this?" I ask watching her slide something on her head.

"A headband," she hums sliding the drawer shut, "Sit down," she nods towards the closed toilet seat.

"Just slide it on so it holds back your hair," she's applying something green to her own face now. I watch her paint the green stuff onto her face with her finger tips, drawing around her eyes and mouth.

She starts talking again as she washes her hands. "Okay we have to wash your face first," she turns off the water and drys her hands, "Then the face mask, which has to dry, then we'll wash them off and put on moisturizer."

"None of that made sense to me but okay," I shrug. I just want to spend time with her, I don't care what we're doing.

"Just close your eyes and don't open your mouth," she says approaching me with something on her hands, "Trust me it, doesn't taste good."

"Now how did you find that out?" I raise a brow at her.

"It was an accident!" She's standing right in front of me, "Now close your eyes," she smiles.

I do as she says and then she starts rubbing something on my face. Her touch is gentle, so light I feel like I could fall asleep. I wrap my hands around her thighs, she freezes for a second but quickly goes back to what she was doing.

She pats my face dry with a towel then starts putting something else on my face.

"You can open your eyes," she says and I do.

"Now we wait ten minutes then we'll wash them off," she steps away from me, washing her hands.

"What do you normally do while you wait?" I ask.

"Scroll on Tiktok," she says drying her hands.

"I don't have Tiktok," I watch her turn around to face me again.

"Yeah I know," she scoffs, "You're crazy."

The door bell rings and Kendall looks out into the hall way then back to me.

"Did you order something?" She has a suspicious look on her face.

"Go get it," I smirk.

"Jamie," I love the way she says my name. It's almost like she's annoyed with me but also not at all because her tone is still light and sweet.

She walks to the front door and I follow a couple steps behind her.

I stand behind her with my hands behind my back as she opens the door.

"Order for Jamie?" The women asks, a little taken off guard by our green faces.

Kendall glances over her shoulder at me and I nod.

"Yes, thank you," she takes the paper bag from the delivery girl.

"Have a good night," the delivery girl waves as she walks away.

"Thank you, you too!" Kendall calls after her, shutting the door at the same time.

We both step into the kitchen. I watch her set the bag on the counter and rip it open and I mean literally rip. The bag is stapled shut so she pulls the corner of the bag all the way to the opposite corner splitting the bag in two.

lucky star // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now