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When I walk into the house, Mom and Dad are already gone for their night in the city. And they're staying at a hotel for the night so I have the whole house to myself.

The game isn't on for another couple hours so I head upstairs to wash off the day.

After I shower, I throw on a Ducks hoodie that's a few sizes too big and a pair of bike shorts before I head downstairs to make something quick for dinner.

After dealing with crazy suburban mom's all day I don't feel like cooking but I need food, so I preheat the oven for a little frozen pizza and I throw some onion rings in the air fryer all of us siblings got Mom for her birthday last year.

As I head to the garage to grab a soda from the fridge my phone starts ringing, I slip it out of the pocket of my hoodie.

Its Davey...oh god what do I tell him? Do I have to tell him? Fuck.

I hold the phone to my ear as I answer, "Hey!"

"Hey! What're you up to?"

"Making some food before my brother's game," I say as I open the fridge.

"Oh," he almost sounds sad, "Are you guys going tonight too?"

"No, my parents did but I just home from work," I grab a Dr. Pepper and shut the fridge.

"Want some company?" He offers.

"Sure," I answer without thinking, "But don't you need to head back into the city?"

It's Sunday night, shouldn't he have class or something tomorrow?

"Nah, I don't have class until tomorrow afternoon. I'm gonna head back in the morning."

"Mkay," I smile. Damn it, I do kinda like Davey.

I push open the garage door and head back inside the house.

"I'll be over in like thirty minutes? Is that okay?"

"Yeah, want me to make some extra food for ya?" I offer.

"No thanks, my mom just finished up dinner. I'm gonna eat before I head over."

"Kay, enjoy, see you soon," I smile before he says, "See you soon."

Then the call ends.


We're half way through the second period of the game and Jamie still hasn't scored. He's had a few good opportunities but none have gone in the net.

Davey and I are tangled together on the couch. We weren't at first. We were just sitting like two normal people. Which turned into his arm around my shoulders, and me slowly melting into him because I'm exhausted and running on three hours of sleep. Then we decided to lay down to get more comfortable when the second period started. And then he started playing with my hair, and now I'm fighting to keep my eyes open.

The game disappears as the network cuts to a short commercial break so they can review the play that just happened to figure out the proper penalty to call. Even though it was obvious the Islanders player purposefully tripped Strome, but whatever.

"Stop," I quietly hum, my voice is so low he barely hears me. I lift my head and look up at him.

"Hm?" He smiles down at me.

"You're putting me to sleep," I rise and sit back on my legs, stretching my arms above my head.

"You probably need it after last night," he teases.

lucky star // jamie drysdaleWhere stories live. Discover now