Getting Kida Back

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"Hmm. So what's it going to be?" Sweet asks as Milo comes over.

"Excuse me?" Milo asks as he looks at Sweet.

"I followed you in and I'll follow you out. It's your decision." Sweet says.

"Oh my decision? Well I think we've seen how effective... my decisions have been. Let's recap. I lead a band of plundering vandals... to the greatest archeological find... in recorded history... thus enabling the kidnap and or murder... of the royal family. Not to mention personally delivering the most powerful force known to man into the hands of a mercenary nutcase who's probably going to sell it to the Kaiser! Have I left anything out?!" Milo shouts angrily.

"Well you did set the camp on fire... and drop us down that big hole." Sweet says.

"Thank you. Thank you very much." Milo says as he sits on a rock.

"Of course it's been my experience... when you hit bottom... the only place left to go is up." Sweet says as he is packing up his tools.

"Who told you that?" Alexis asks as she looks at Sweet.

"A fella by the name of Thaddeus Thatch." Sweet says as Milo looks at the crystal the King gave him before standing up determinedly as he begins to walk off.

"Where are you going?" Audrey asks.

"I'm going after Rourke." Milo says.

"Milo that's crazy." Audrey says.

"I didn't say it was the smart thing... but it is the right thing." Milo says as he sighs.

"Then I'm coming with you." Alexis says as she gets up from where she was sitting and follows after Milo.

"No Alexis. I've already caused you and these people enough problems. I'm gonna fix what I started or die trying." Milo says.

"Well you're not doing it alone. Kida is the only family I have left and I won't give her up without a fight. We'll die anyway without her and the crystal. If I am going to die I want it to be fighting for my family and friends." Alexis says.

"Can't change your mind can I?" Milo asks in defeat.

"Nope." Alexis says as she smiles causing Milo to smile before the two continue walking.

"Come on. We better make sure they don't hurt themselves." Audrey says as she and the others follow after Milo and Alexis.


"Milo what do you think you are doing?" Audrey asks as the group follows Milo to a ketak vehicle.

"Just follow my lead." Milo says as he gets the vehicle up and running with the crystal he got from the king.

"Wow. I'm impressed." Mrs. Packard says.

"Great idea Milo. We can use them to go after Rourke even though he destroyed the bridge." Alexis says happily as she shifts to human form.

"Exactly. Now it's simple. All you got to do-" Milo then gets cut off by Audrey as she climbs up beside him on the vehicle.

"Yeah yeah yeah. Shut up. We get it. Okay?" Audrey says.

"No no wait! Gently. Just gently." Milo says as Audrey backs the vehicle into a rock.

"Yes please gently. Rather not a repeat of earlier." Alexis says as Audrey looks at her curiously.

"Earlier?" Audrey asks as Milo laughs nervously while he gets off as Alexis gets on.

"Hey Milo you got something sporty? You know like a tuna?" Vinny asks as Atlanteans come over.

"How is this done?" An Atlantean asks.

"All you got to do is use the crystals. Alexis showed me. Half-turn right. Quarter-run back. Keep your hand on the pad." Milo says as he begins showing Atlanteans how to get the vehicles up and going.

"Saddle up partners. Bring jerky and ammo." Cookie says as he sits on one of the activated vehicles.

"I'm so excited." Mole says.

"All right this is it! We're going to rescue the princess. We're going to save Atlantis. Or we're going to die trying. Now let's do it!" Milo shout as others cheer while they leave.


"Okay here's the plan. We're going to come in low and fast... and take them by surprise." Milo says as the group is following him.

"Well I've got news for you Milo. Rourke is never surprised and he's got a lot of guns." Audrey says as Alexis looks at Milo.

"Great. Well do you have any suggestions?" Milo asks.

"Yeah. Don't get shot." Vinny says as they see a large hot air balloon in the distance.

"There they are!" Alexis shouts as the group then avoids getting shot at by people in planes.

"Holy smokes! You told me he only had guns." Milo says as he sees the planes.

"What I said was he's never surprised." Audrey says as Alexis steers the vehicle to avoid getting hit while staying close to Milo.

"Vinny new plan. You and me we're going to be decoys. Audrey, Alexis, Sweet, fly up underneath that thing... and cut her loose." Milo says as Vinny flies over.

"We're on it." Sweet says as he and Alexis fly underneath before Audrey and sweet land on the container as they begin trying to cut Kida loose.

"I though you said this thing... could cut through a femur in 28 seconds!" Audrey asks annoyedly.

"Less talk more saw." Sweet says.

"Ah!" Alexis shouts as she avoids a bomb dropped by Helga as it hits Sweet's vehicle instead.

"Come on girl. Time's up." Sweet says as he grabs Audrey and pulls her onto the vehicle Alexis is driving.

"He got her." Alexis says as she sees Milo below with the container before the group goes down to him.

"The volcano... she awakes!" Mole says in alarm as the ground begins cracking.

"Hey I had nothing to do with it." Vinny says as he is holding a lit stick of dynamite.

"This here would be a good place not to be." Cookie says.

"No wait. We got to get her back... or the whole city will die." Milo says as Alexis and Audrey look at him while quickly helping him chain the container onto the vehicles.

"And if we don't get out of here we'll die." Audrey says.

"It's the only way to reverse this. Just do it!" Milo says as he helps Alexis and Audrey onto one of the vehicles before they begin leaving only for the chain to break off on the container.

"Milo no!" Audrey shouts as Milo jumps back down to the ground.

"Milo!" Alexis shouts as she goes to jump back down to help only for sweet to grab her before Milo successfully gets the container rechained.

"Go!" Milo shouts as the group gets flying again and makes to back to the city as Milo gets the container open.

"The fissure... it is about to eject... its pyroclastic fury!" Mole shouts in alarm as he looks at the volcano in the distance.

"Milo, Mole says the wall's going to blow!" Sweet shouts as Kida then gets out of the container and protects the city from the lava before she returns to normal and collapses in Milo's arms as Alexis goes over.

"Uhh. Milo, Alexis?" Kida asks as she reveals holding her childhood bracelet before hugging Alexis and Milo.

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