Chapter 19: Past

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Eric's POV

Like other days this week, today has been busy. And to top it all off, she's here again.

She said something about missing me and not being able to forget me ever since we broke up. I knew better than to believe whatever it was she was saying. It's been almost four years since we broke up and she's here now.

Tasha was the most beautiful girl on campus. I didn't know that because I never paid attention to school gossip. I was always with Mark and Mark didn't really care about all these even though I think he knows since he likes collecting information on everyone.

I had just graduated from university and Tessa just got into the same university so there was a party for her and her mates. That was where I first saw Tasha. I didn't really pay attention to her but after that day, I kept seeing her wherever my sister was. It wasn't long before we started dating.

I didn't know why I decided to date her but I thought I was in love.

To Tasha and probably the rest of the students in the university except Mark, Tessa was just a student from an average background studying at the university because of her scholarship. And I was the hot handsome brother of the beautiful scholarship student. No one knew our true identity.

I was still on the school campus cause I had to fill in for a maths teacher who was on pregnancy leave. I even introduced her to my parents but they never liked her. None of my family liked her except Tessa, but they didn't show it though.

One day, I went to meet Mark in a bar but saw her there. She was supposed to be at an eatery or something with her friends. I guessed they changed plans. I was going to go greet them when I heard one of them mention my name.

Girl 1: so how is it going with Eric?

Tasha: it's going well as planned... except for the part where I met his parents. That was so unexpected, but I pulled it off well. I hope you guys are preparing my money. I don't want any stories when this is over.

Girl 2: but after all this time you spent with him, don't you like him? Not even a bit? I mean, he's so hot and kind.

Girl 1: I was going to ask the same. I think he's too good to be dashed away.

Tasha: he's definitely hot. Has a good body, a big dick, and is very good at sex for his first time. But that's not all I want in a man. He doesn't have the money to keep me. If at all I keep on staying with him after our bet, it'll be because of sex. I have Henry to give me both. It's a pity he isn't rich. I would have kept him."

I couldn't believe what my ears heard. I was just a bet all this while. I was just used to making cash for how many months? How could she do this? I was so broken that day. I let a young girl like that play me. I went home to my mom for comfort.

I broke up with her the next day and did not bother telling her the reason. I just told her I was tired and didn't think we were going anywhere in the relationship.

To be honest, I thought I would feel the heartbreak forever, but that didn't happen. In about a week, I was back to my normal self, it was then I realized that I never really loved her. I just had a feeling for her. She was the first girl I ever dated and the first and only girl I had sex with. She was just an experience.

I sat on my chair staring at the lady in front of me with feelings of disgust. I couldn't believe I was with her. Just then, I got a notification on my phone. I got a message from Mark. He didn't have time to talk so he sent me the information he got.

I opened the document without paying attention to the figure In front. I only read the first paragraph and understood what was happening.

It turned out she didn't actually come to the city for me like she said. She's a sex worker and came here with a client but by chance, she saw a newspaper with my face in it as the CEO of JS... that's why she's here. She's here to take as much money as she can from me. But, too bad that I wouldn't be giving her a dime.

"Well, since you have nothing reasonable to say, please leave my office," I said to her.

"Babe, are you really asking me out of your office? Here I am trying to fix things between us. I mean, you just broke up with me out of the blue and I never got to see you again. You still haven't told me what I did wrong." she said, faking hurt.

"I don't have the time to sit and listen to the nonsense you have to say, Tasha. So get yourself off of me and get out of my office." I half yelled

"You're not serious, right?

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I questioned her, looking directly into her eyes with all seriousness so that she got the memo.

"You're just angry. Don't worry, I'll come back when you cool down," she said grabbing her bag.

"I don't want to ever see you here again, Tasha. And no, I'm not joking. The next time I see you here, I'll ask security to throw you out. Don't dare me," I said, making her storm out angrily.

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