Bonus Chapter 5

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Eric's POV

"W-why isn't she crying? why isn't she breathing?" she asked, her voice laced with fear. "Why the hell is my baby not breathing? Eric, she's not breathing," Abbi said wailing.

"What do you mean she's not breathing?" I took Claribel from her hand and tried waking her up but no response. We quickly rushed her to the hospital.

Abbi held on to me for comfort, fearing for the worst as the doctors attended to our daughter. The doctor approached us after what felt like an eternity, with an unreadable expression.

"," she whispered shaking her head defiantly after looking into the doctor's eyes, waiting for the heartbreaking news.

"We managed to save her," said the doctor, surprising both of us. "But she's still in a critical condition. She has been starved for a week which has greatly weakened her immune system and other organs, therefore her development may be slower than normal. However, we're monitoring her recovery and she should be fine by the month's end."

We were still distraught about what happened to our baby, but at the same time, we were relieved to hear that our child was okay. We were allowed to visit Claribel in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU).

Days turned into weeks and we were finally able to leave the hospital with little Claribel, who is now doing better and crying like every other normal baby.

Andras was taken into custody and after days of interrogation and torture, he confessed to having killed Abbi's mother 2 weeks after Abbi was born because she found out that Andras tampered with her husband's car leading to the accident that took his life.

Needless to say, we found out so many things. Andras confessed how he had planned so well to enter Aunt Laura's life and get married to her so as to take over her property. Knowing that she would take the matter to court after she knew about the death of her husband, he pushed her off the stairs, taking her life.

My parents are making sure he doesn't have a not-so-terrible life in jail. Andras was tried and sentenced to life imprisonment with hard labor.


Five years later

Abbi's POV

"Mummy! When you give birth to my brother, I want to call him boo boo" Claribel said to me as we were sitting and watching other families have fun together in the park.

I chuckled at the name she found for her sibling "And who told my little angel that the baby in mummy's tummy is a boy?"

"Daddy! Claribel replied cheerily. "But it doesn't matter mummy, I know it is a boy."

"Okay, my angel," I replied, not wanting to argue with her today. "But why would you want to call your brother that?" I asked curiously"

"I heard Aunty calling uncle that, so I decided to call my brother that," she said so innocently. I smiled at her daughter's innocence, grateful for the joy we had together.

Eric joined us with a picnic basket, sitting down beside me his eyes filled with love as he watched our daughter play with other children.

"And where is Mrs Jones at the moment?" Lisa asked as I answered her call.

"I'm out with Eric and Claribel," I responded.

"I've told you time without number girl, you should be at home, you're almost due," she scolded.

"Look who is talking. Aren't you also almost due? And you flew out of the country with Damien,"

"That's different. I'm just seven months gone," she scoffed.

"Whatever you say, my lady," I replied.

Soon enough, Tess, Lau, Mia, and Amelia joined the call and we had fun chatting together even if it was just a video call.

While trying to enter the car after packing up, I felt a contraction.

"E-eric, I think my water broke," I said calmly, trying not to freak out.

"I told you we shouldn't have come out today. You're already nine months gone, now look what happened." he panicked.

"Shut up Eric. How was I to know my water will break today, I'm supposed to be due in two weeks...remember? I scolded, biting my lips to endure the pain.

"Mummy...why didn't you go to the toilet to pee?" My daughter asked innocently disgusted.

"Sweetheart, I didn't pee. Mummy's water broke because your baby sibling is coming." Her expression immediately changed from disgust to amazement.

"Really? So I get to meet Boo Boo today?" she asked, jumping in excitement.

"Enough of the questions princess. We need to get your mummy to the hospital, okay?" Eric said, helping me and Claribel into the car before driving off.


Mummy! Mummy!" Claribel called out to me for the hundredth time. " Can I hold Boo Boo, please?" she asked, giving her best puppy face.

"Fine, yes you can my love, but you'll have to sit."

Immediately, Claribel took her seat on the couch, positioning her leg well so she could carry her brother Liam.

I looked at my children, then at my husband, they were the best thing that had happened to me and I'm forever grateful for having them in my life

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