Chapter 17 - Agents of Anarchy

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"Shit! I should've known that there's no such thing as a normal day for an awakener!" Puck cursed himself more than his luck.

And it was true, Puck was still thinking of himself as a normal human who spent most of his time playing Gacha games!

He needed to get out of his head and focus on the present!

Just as he thought this though....

Another warning from the system appeared.


"Shit! Just my luck!" Puck growled as a loud boisterous laugh filled the area.

"See?! You all shall now be punished by our lord for becoming contempt with the current system! All you so called awakeners and heroes of justice!" The kid exclaims like some cheesy villain.

Puck couldn't help but agree though.

From his spot at the back of the audience, he could see that all the awakeners that were gathered in the auction house were weak willed and simply focused on their money and influence to increase their rank.

There was no way they'd be able to fight these guys!

But wait....

He looked down at his hand, noticing that they were also shaking terribly.

It finally dawned on him....

He had simply been going through the motions!

He never once stopped to think about what could happen to him....

And now that he was faced with, not monsters, but humans....

He struggled to come up with an answer.

Could he actually kill another person?

It didn't seem like he'd be given time to contemplate this however as Diablo spoke up once more.

The child sneered viscously. "Exactly! So, as punishment for being so weak, we'll be setting an example of one of you! Hmm.... How about you~? Mrs. Hare~! Or should I say Olivia Weepingbell!" The kid exclaimed, pointing at the dazed woman in the rabbit mask beside Puck.

She had just come to and still seemed to be a bit out of it, her mask falling off her face reveal a beautiful red haired woman with purplish pink eyes.

Puck was hypnotized by her beauty for a moment, but quickly shook himself from his trance as the child clasped his hands together in front of his body.

He began to glow and crackled with a strange and vile red energy before slowly beginning to spread his hands, revealing a dangerous looking black orb that began to grow in size.

The child lifted it high above his head, his grin never leaving his face as he reared his small arms back before lobbing the dark ball of destruction in their direction.

People scream and dive out of the way as the ball was sent on a crash course towards them at an incredible speed.

Puck cursed under his breath. He didn't have any time to think anyone! It was time to act!

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