Chapter 7

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⟼Two Months Later⟻


Shoji yawned as he awoke, stretching a bit as he scratched his head and sighed, grabbing a book about magic off his nightstand before he got out of bed.

Samantha: "Y-young Master?" she said from behind the door, "A-are you awake?" she asked.

Shoji: "Um.. Y-yeah," he said, "I'll get myself dressed today," he said as he walked over to his wardrobe, opening the book on the part be left off on, "And bring my food to my room,"

Samantha: "I already have it Young Master." she said, sounding a little proud of herself. 

Shoji: "Oh, um.. thank you." he said going to the door and unlocking it before he went back to the wardrobe, "It's open," he said as he opened the wardrobe and began going through it.

Samantha then walked in the room, carting in his breakfast on a fancy looking dinner cart.

Samantha: "You know, your parents- ah um, Ahem, the Master and Lady Marron would like for  you to eat with them again." she said, correcting herself.

Shoji: "Is that so?" he asked as he grabbed his black clothing he wore the first night he went out, looking over it.

Samantha: "Yes, even your sister would like to see you again," she said, causing Shoji to stutter in her movements for a moment before he sighed.

Shoji: "I'll.. I'll think about it," he said, "Please make sure no one comes to my room later," he said, "Today is the only day off I have for the rest of the month, and I want to rest a bit." 

Samantha: "Yes, I'll be sure to inform everyone that." she said with a bow before she left.

Shoji then sighed as he begun getting dressed in his town clothes before Bella flew in through the window.

Bella: "Going out again?" she asked.

Shoji: "Yep," he said as he pulled the cloak over himself, "Joshua should have finished making the clothes a while ago, and I wouldn't mind seeing what the town's like in the morning." 

Bella: "Well, the winds are outside when you jump," she said before she flew out the window. 

Shoji then moved over to the mirror, looking himself over some before he took a breath and bolted to the window before vaulting over it, falling into the wind the wind fairies had created for him before he went for the wall, climbing it before he pulled himself over to the other side, hopping into another instance of wind to silence his steps before he ran to the rooftops, quickly jumping to the before he continued running.

Bella: "Your getting really good at this," she said as she flew beside him, "I remember when you would've fallen flat on your face."

Shoji: "Well, when you keep making me to take this route it's hard to not adapt." he said.

Bella: "Oh you know you like this." she said before Shoji jumped from the roof into an alley, jumping off the wall adjacent to him and landing another gust of wind the wind fairies created. 

Shoji: "Well it helps with my speed and reflexes," he said as he pulled off his cloak, "So I might as well." he said as he walked over to the tailor across the street, the familiar ringing of the bell going off in his ears as he opened the door.

〔Silhouette Tailors〕

As Shoji entered he looked around for a moment and saw a couple of people helping out others with their clothing on risers, though when he entered, they all seemed to look at him with a curious gaze.

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