An Unexpected Event

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written: 02.10.24-

Once upon a time...

"Y/n?!" a voice called from the hallway. "Y/n, wake up! Emergency!"

Y/n rolled over towards the wall, mumbling, "Five more minutes..."

"Y/n, I'm serious we might all die!"

Grumbling, Y/n threw the blankets off herself and took two steps at a time to the bottom floor. There in the huge room, specifically the living room area, a small fire had started on the sculpture on the table and her brother stood behind, waving his arms like a madman.

While he rambled on some incoherent nonsense about how he had just paid off their debt, his sister calmly got the fire extinguisher, aimed, and fired, putting out the fire.

His arms lowered and a look of relief crossed his face.

"Dumbass," was all she said before putting the extinguisher back and moping back up the stairs.

"Wait!" He jogged over and caught her by the sleeve, trying to pull her back. "Come on, don't run off, kid. It's summer! Have some fun, for god sake!"

"Too tired. Need sleep."

"Wait, hang on." He forced her back into the living room and took his wallet from the table. Walking back over, he handed her a fifty. "Go out with Blaze."

"Pardon?" Could a girl and a guy just be friends around here?

"I don't know, just...go out. Do stuff around. Be a kid. You're not sleeping the whole summer again."

Part of her debate on pocketing the money. The other part liked the sound of unburnt pancakes. In the end, the pancakes won.

"Thanks, Spencer. Call Blaze for me?"

He gave her a confused look. "But he's your boyfriend."

"He is not. See you later. Come on, Squeaker." She walked out of the apartment, followed by a small kitten, careful not to get her paws dirty, Spencer silently shipping them from his spot in the living room.


Squeaker jumped into the basket on Y/n's bicycle, licking her paws while Y/n peddled then into town.

On the side of the road in his own bike sat a redhead, gazing around, bored, until he saw her. "Y/n! Over here!" he waved her over, grinning brightly at her.


A rabbit sat in his basket, peeking out at her. Seeing Squeaker, he jumped into her basket with an excited cheer, Squeaker jumping from the sudden rabbit in her basket.

"Kiko." Blaze took him out and put him back, then turned back to Y/n. "Hey, Y/n. Good summer?"

"It only just began, silly." She peddled faster, snickering as she heard Blaze peddle harder to catch-up.

They stopped near a road, where a girl called out to them. She wore fashionable glasses and a bead in her hair. Her face, although pretty, looked sour.

"Hey, Y/n!"

"Oh god, no..."

The other teen looked down her nose condensingly at 'Gardenia High's Geek Couple'. Actually, she was the only one to ever call them that.

"Isn't it time to sell that two-wheeled relic to the junk pile?"

She sucked in her breath before answering as patiently as she possibly could, "There's nothing wrong with this bike. My brother bought it for me."

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