Mission at Cloud Tower

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Nobody suspected that Prince Sky's invitation was false after his many love letters to Stella, but it was really the Trix. What a disappointment for Stella.
The Winx have had to give in to the witches' demands. Now that Stella's magic ring is in their possession. However, the fairy of the Sun and Moon is safe and the game isn't over yet.


"Ring, ring..." Y/n mumbled as she flipped through the book in the library, leaning over it on her elbows. "Ring of Solaria, maybe? Come on, where's that...ring!" She put her finger on the picture of the ring that was Stella's and read the inscription below. "The Sword of Power: Part of the lineal right of the princess of the Sun and the Moon of Solaria."

She closed the book and tucked it under her arm, ready to check it out. "Looks like we've found what we need."


She brought the ring back to the dorm room and explained it to everyone, including Blaze this time, sitting on her bed, ending with, "That means it's yours by birthright, right, Stella?"

She tossed her hair and held out her hand. "Of course it does. I could've told you that myself. The sword ring has been in my family, well, forever."

"But that doesn't explain why the Trix want it so bad." She was still reading virtuously, trying to find something in it that might explain it. Blaze leaned over it, trying to help.

"Well, it is an important and valuable object," Flora reminded them.

Stella nodded and added, "The Trix aren't common criminals. There's got to be something else to it."

Blaze pointed suddenly at a paragraph. "Hey, here's something." He took the book and sat next to Y/n. "According to the legend, the sword of Solaria was created a long time ago, nobody remembers when. It was sculpted out of a stone, immersed in the Spring of Light, which still flows today, and is only one of the many gifts offered by the Great Sacred Fire."

Everyone was trapped in a moment of wonder until Stella broke the silence. "Woah! And I thought the history of Solaria was ultra boring! I'm starting to think I should have that ring reappraised!"

That caused everyone to laugh, including Tecna, who stopped as abruptly as she had started. It felt...good. She had never laughed like that before and was a bit embarrassed, although she would not have been opposed to doing it again. "Uh, what's the Sacred Fire, exactly?" she asked, trying to change the subject back.

Still riding high off their last burst of euphoria laughter, Y/n pretended to shift her glasses up/shifted her glasses up and brought her voice down. "Excellent question, Miss Tecna. I'm very pleased you should ask."

"Hey, you sound just like Griselda!" Flora observed, causing another round of laughter.


The enchanted universe of the Magical Dimension was created eons ago by the mythical Dragon who sparked the Sacred Fire.


After their research, the Winx went outside to their classes, the conversation still fresh.

"Hmm, did the Dragon exist for real or is it simply a mythical symbol?" Flora asked.

Confidently, Tecna suggested, "Well, I think it represents an ideal. You know, the embodiment of good versus evil."

"Yeah, sure, okay. Uh, could you maybe repeat that in English?"

Y/n smacked Blaze on the arm, insisting, "That was perfectly clear. Quit acting smart."

Sensing tension, Musa tried to turn the subject back to the ring. Looking at Stella, she inquired, "Stella, you must know the story."

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