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We're sitting on Emily's couch when Jacob bursts through the door like a hurricane. Seth jumps up and moves his arm in front of me, which almost makes me smile. If Jacob wasn't panting and heaving like he was about to turn I would allow myself a little giggle.

    "Jacob!" Sam yells brusquely. Jacob turns his head to look at him, his panting calming down only slightly. "What's wrong with you?"

    "They've turned her," Jacob growls out. I frown and hold Seth's forearm as he sits a little further back. "And they're telling Charlie she's just sick."

"Isn't that better?" Seth pipes up. I resist the urge to squeeze my nails into his arm. Now was probably not the best time to be critiquing things Jacob feels very strongly about. The glare Jacob aims at him proves this. Seth ducks his head and rests his arm across my lap, sinking back like he was shot. I pat his arm gently and watch as Jacob's eyes pass over Seth and onto me. Clearly, there's anger there. But there's also sadness. His worst nightmare as far as Bella has finally come true and there's nothing he can do about it. He turns back to Sam and starts panting angrily again.

    "No," Sam says. He doesn't even need Jacob to speak to know what he's thinking. "The Cullens will be able to control her appetite until she can control it herself. They're no danger to any of us. You will not - do you hear me? Will not kill or even harm any of them."

    Jacob growls and storms out of the house as angrily as he entered it. Seth and I glance at each other before looking at Sam and Emily. Sam's jaw is clenched tightly, and Emily stands just a little behind him, contemplating whether she should touch him or not. He unclenches it and sighs, turning around to her and pulling her into his arms. We both look away as they start whispering to each other.

    "Should we go upstairs?" Seth whispers. I nod and we scurry away, giggling as we race up the stairs and to my room. Emily and I have been slowly decorating it so it fits my personality better. There's some glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, and a few fluffy blankets strewn around the room. Just little things we found that I liked and she didn't mind putting in her house. Emily's like the older sister I never had.

    "It's totally for the best," I say as Seth flops down on my bed. "If they were like 'Hey, Charlie! Here's your weirdly gorgeous daughter with red eyes who may or may not want to eat you!' it would go over horribly. Best to just pretend she's bedridden until she can control her appetite."


    I sigh and start changing into my pyjama pants. "I think Jacob just doesn't want to accept that she's-"

    Seth clears his throat loudly as I reach for the waistband of my shorts. I raise my eyebrows like, what? He just coughs and looks away, but not before I see the red creeping up his neck. I bite my lip to stifle a giggle.

    "We sleep together every night. We've gone swimming together. You never wear a shirt," I say as I cross my arms over my chest. "And you're worried about me putting more clothes on in front of you?"

"It's more that you have to take some clothes off first," he says, his voice all weird and raspy. I giggle and walk over to him slowly, taking his chin in my hand and turning his face back to mine. He gulps.

PROMISE - S. CLEARWATEROnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora