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I pace the floor of my room, watching out the window for the umpteenth hour. Since Embry burst into the room with the news, my heart has been pumping blood at a pace only rivaled by a hummingbird. The pack all left immediately, and I can't do anything but worry about Seth and Leah and Jacob. And Bella, of course, but my more imminent concern is my boyfriend who could potentially die.

    Emily comes into the room slowly, watching me pace from the doorway for a second before coming to sit on my bed. She watches me silently, which I'm grateful for. I don't know if I could get any real words out if I tried.

    "They won't kill each other."

"You don't know that."

    Emily frowns and comes to stand in front of me, stopping my pacing. I huff in annoyance and meet her eyes. She's giving me a very motherly look, one that says, you know I'm right, so stop arguing with me. I huff again and look at the floor, picking at my sleeve. Right or not, I was still going to be nervous that I wouldn't have a Seth by the end of the night.

    "You've seen them all together, Willow. One pack or two, they're still brothers and sisters. They wouldn't actually come to blows over this."

    "Sam has been pretty insistent that if it needed to happen, he would," I reply testily, looking back up at her again. I've never defied Emily - I've never felt the desire to. But right now, when she's making promises she can't keep, I feel like I've earned the right a little bit. "And with the baby being born, that means Bella's probably being turned as we speak. What am I supposed to do with that? It's not like I can just pop over there and convince Edward to let his wife and child die so I can have Seth home safe."

    "You won't need to. Sam and the boys will see reason once they get there. He's never disagreed with Jake for this long over anything, and at some point, one of them will see reason and they'll resolve it."

"Have they ever disagreed over whether or not to kill a woman and child before? Because that seems more serious than parking or who gets the last slice of pizza."

    "Stop catastrophizing," she says sternly. "This is going to be resolved, we'll both have our men back and the Cullens will do what they need to do."

"Meaning you think they'll kill the baby?"

    I get no answer, because there's suddenly the loud thumping of paws outside as the pack descends on the rez. Emily and I both rush to the window to watch. There's Sam, leading as always. Paul, Jared, Quil, Embry...no Leah, Seth, or Jacob. But also no visible injuries on any of the boys.

    "What's going on?" Emily demands as we rush outside. Sam is finished phasing and takes her into his arms, watching me over the top of her head. My worry must be written across my face, because he simply nods before answering her. All of the air in my lungs comes rushing out as I grasp at my heart. Seth's alive. He's ok.

    "Jacob imprinted on the baby," Sam growls out. Emily looks up at him and runs a hand down his cheek, which he lets his face fall into. I suddenly feel like I'm intruding on something very personal, and since I have my answer, I turn to walk back into the house. I'm barefoot anyway, so the prickly grass stabs me as I trudge back in by myself. Seth's alive.

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⏰ Última atualização: Apr 20 ⏰

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