Mind over Matter

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"Is this about the Manticore?" Ghidorah pondered aloud. "I can still remember his pitiful cries when I ripped his tail from him." he reminisced with a cruel smirk.

The Mother of Monsters' face faltered for a moment before it returned to its coy smile. "I am afraid not, dear dragon. My objective is not revenge. No matter how much I wish it was so."

Both Ghidorah and Hecate watched them closely. The Chimera did the same as he walked in circles around the three of them. Hissing at Ghidorah when he was near the dragon and gaining a growl from Ghidroah in return.

"Then why are you here, Echidna? For what purpose have you left Tartarus?" Hecate's voice remained even. Not showing her inner nervousness.

With a giggle, Echidna revealed a sinister look. "My reason? To see if your dragon is strong enough for what I have planned."

She didn't elaborate on her words as she shared a glance with her son, who nodded and roared at Ghidorah. Who barely dodged the wave of fire that was released from his Goat head. Jumping back, Ghidorah cursed as the Chimera was already upon him.

Hecate went to help her lord, only for Echidna to appear behind her and use her tail to restrict her movements. Her sharp nails were poised to pierce the witch's neck at the slightest resistance. Causing Hecate to go stiff and her eyes to widen in shock at the snake's speed.

"I'm sorry, my dear, but I can not allow you to interfere. Do not worry, though. If I wanted him dead, I would have brought my other children." Echidna forbade. Her right hand rested over Hecate's shoulder.

"W-What could Ghidorah possibly help you with, Echidna?" Hecate asked through gritted teeth. Angered at her weakness.

"Is that his name?" She asked. "But to answer your question, dear. Nothing as he is now. It's what he can become that can help me." The mother revealed. Her eyes trained on her son and Ghidorah.

The latter is still on the defensive as the Chimera used it's three heads to keep him on his toes. The sheer versatility of the monster allowed it to overwhelm Ghidorah who was still not used to his new form. However, it did not stay that way.

When the Chimera lunged at Ghidroah, the dragon utilized his smaller size to sidestep him and counter. A potent yellow energy coated his fist as he unleashed a powerful left hook that impacted the lion's jaw. Forcing the monster back.

Yet, that was all it did. The Chimera merely shook off the attack and jumped right back into the fray but that was all Ghidorah needed. With him now ready to combat him, Ghidorah suddenly found himself leading the fight.

Dodging and weaving before countering his fellow three-headed beast. The battle, while not overly flashy or destructive, showcased Ghidorah's battle IQ that allowed him to compete with the more powerful foe.

For every attack he landed barely even hurt the Chimera. It's skin was far tougher than Ghidorah anticipated and as such he began to use other means. Condensing his aura above his palm, Ghidorah created an orb made of the same power his gravity beams are.

Then, he formed a magic circle above the orb. Coating it with gravity magic that turned the orb from it's yellow color to a deep red. All of this happened in mere moments as Ghidorah used his immense speed to appear right above the Chimera.

Who, while being able to react to his attack, did not expect the effects of it. That forced the beast to his knees the moment it was slammed into him. Increasing his own gravity tenfold and giving him no time to adapt. The sheer surprise the beast felt kept him down even longer.

Which Ghidorah capitalized on. Landing right on top of the beast and grabbing onto his body as his arms glowed golden. A clear sign of his absorption ability at work. Having transferred from his missing heads to his arms.

The Desolation of Ghidorah in DxDWhere stories live. Discover now