Dragon X Deus

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"You are quite interesting, dragon. I can't help but wonder who created you." Zeus remarked. His grey eyes inspected the newly arrived dragon.

Pulling himself out of the sea, Ghidorah eyed his new opponent. He had expected Zeus to open fire upon him immediately, so seeing the King of the Gods leisurely reclining on a rock was quite the sight. Especially when Zeus was very different from what he expected.

"You can't be naturally born, after all, you are far too weaponized for that." He indicated toward his spiked tails and other things hidden from view. Like his gravity beams and absorption ability.

"Maybe I should rethink my preconceived notions about you, Zeus. You are not the god I expected." The middle head of Ghidorah reckoned. If he knew about his abilities then he took the time to watch his fight.

His words gained a shrug from the god. "Eh, if you thought of me as a man who sticks his dick into everything then you were not far off. However, if you thought of me as incompetent then you were indeed mistaken, dragon." After all, one cannot rule with power alone.

Sitting up straight, Zeus's gaze turned serious. "Let's skip to the important talk, shall we? I want to know who created you and what are your intentions for my kingdom." The sky began to darken. "Your answer will decide your fate."

He thinks that Ghidorah is an artificial dragon. Which are created when gods use long-forbidden methods to shape energy into the shape of a dragon. An act that is heavily frowned upon but not underheard of in this day and age. The greatest example of this is the creation of Angra Mainyu, Azi Dahaka.

"... To be honest, I do not know who created me. I have no memories regarding the subject. However, I came here in search of something of importance but now I have been wrapped up in the scheme of a woman who does not know her place."

The first question threw Ghidorah for a spin as he had always wondered if Ghidorah was some experiment from a faraway galaxy or just from a race of alien creatures. But he had no way of answering that so he simply told the truth.

"I see, then fighting was inevitable. A shame, I was just starting to like you too." Zeus stood up and stretched his arms. He did not want to have to kill this dragon, he would be fun to keep around, but if there is a bigger plot at play then he must finish this fast.

"A shame, indeed." Ghidorah agreed.

Just then, they released their auras in full. Darkening the sky fully and covering Greece in darkness. Blue and yellow lightning arched in the sky and fought for dominance. While the creators of this hurricane stared at one another. Waiting for the other to make the first move.

Something that Ghidorah was not going to make, Zeus realized. The dragon knew that Zeus held the advantage here and that any wrong move could lead to his death. But Zeus, on the other hand, possessed no such worries.

So, with a smirk and a crack of thunder, Zeus appeared before Ghidorah. Surprising the dragon who could not react fast enough to dodge the lightning-enhanced punch that connected with his chest. Sending him back quite a bit and causing Ghidorah to cough up blood.

Cursing, Ghidorah could instantly recognize the cause of Zeus' insane speed. "You bastard! You not only increase your speed with lightning but also manipulated the sky to remove the wind resistance!" His tone was both agitated and interested. "I would be impressed if it was not being used against me!"

This only gained a laugh from Zeus before their battle continued with Zeus blitzing toward Ghidorah once again. However, now that Ghidorah understood Zeus' technique, he cycled his own lightning through his body to contend with the god.

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